Although climate change issues were just a faraway twinkle in the eyes of the original ACM researchers, the relevance of ACM results to climate change adaptation has become increasingly clear. If we are to address issues of climate change, we will need the local and mesolevel co-operation and creativity that we have seen the ACM approach provide. This is confirmed by results of a recent case study in Mali, where ACM has been able to offer tools to facilitate the process from spontaneous adaptive responses to planned adaptation for the sustainable provision of forest ecosystem goods and services.

ACM researchers have produced tools, methods and conceptual frameworks that can contribute significantly to efforts to adapt to climate change and perhaps to efforts to mitigate it. In 2008, we have produced three documents that make this case, and we hope there will be more forthcoming. We also hope that climate change researchers will make use of the plethora of tools and methods that are available.

Publications include the following.

CIFOR 2008. Adaptation at the interface of forest ecosystem goods and services and livestock production systems in northern Mali. CIFOR Infobrief 19. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. 4p.

CIFOR 2008 Adaptive collaborative management can help us cope with climate change. CIFOR Infobrief 13. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. 4p.

Locatelli, B., Kanninen, M., Brockhaus, M., Colfer, C.J.P., Murdiyarso, D. and Santoso, H. 2008 Facing an uncertain future: how forests and people can adapt to climate change. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. 86p.

These activities continue to address, in various ways, the goals of the ACM programme, which were to achieve more sustainable and equitable management of forest resources and human well-being in a multi-stakeholder environment through the development and identification of a set of models, institutional arrangements, methods, tools and strategies to empower local communities.