In the mid-1990s, before the ACM project, CIFOR already had a project on devolution. It was called ‘Local livelihoods, community forests and devolution’ and coordinated by Eva Wollenberg. The results from that work were integrated into the evolving ACM project. Meanwhile CIFOR continued conducting research on policy issues pertinent to decentralisation, through three additional projects:

  • Sian McGrath coordinated an Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research project called ‘Can decentralisation work for forests and the poor? Policy research to promote sustainable forest management, equitable economic development and secure livelihoods’ in five districts in Indonesia.

  • Eva Wollenberg coordinated an International Fund for Agricultural Development project looking at devolution in China, India and the Philippines.

  • Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo and Chris Barr coordinated an assessment of the early days of decentralisation in Indonesia in five provinces, funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research and the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development, ‘Decentralisation of policy making and management affecting the forests of Indonesia’.

More recently, there has been a series of major international workshops on decentralisation beginning with the Interlaken Workshop in Switzerland in 2004 and continuing with the Yogyakarta Workshop in Indonesia in 2006 and the Durban Workshop in South Africa in 2008. Each of these resulted in an edited book included in the references below.

Anshari, G.Z., Alqadrie, S., Budiarto, T., Ngusmanto, Abidin, E., McGrath, S., Zulkifli, Komarudin, H. and Afifudin 2004 Marjinalisasi masyarakat miskin di sekitar hutan: Studi Kasus HPHH 100 ha di Kabupaten Sintang, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Decentralisation Brief 9 (April). CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Anshari, G.Z., Alqadrie, S., Budiarto, T., Ngusmanto, Abidin, E., McGrath, S., Zulkifli, Komarudin, H. and Afifudin 2005 Continued marginalisation of under privileged communities: forest management following decentralisation in Sintang, West Kalimantan. Decentralisation Brief 5 (January). CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Barr, C., Resosudarmo, I.A.P., Dermawan, A. and McCarthy, J. with Moeliono, M. and Setiono, B. (eds.) 2006 Decentralisation of forest administration in Indonesia: implications for forest sustainability, economic development and community livelihoods. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Colfer, C.J.P. and Capistrano, D. (eds.) 2005 The politics of decentralisation: forests, power and people. Earthscan, London.

Colfer, C.J.P., Dahal, G.R. and Capistrano, D. (eds.) 2008 Lessons in forest decentralisation: money, justice and the quest for good governance in Asia-Pacific. Earthscan, London and CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Contreras, A.P. (ed.) 2003 Creating space for local forest management in the Philippines. La Salle Institute of Governance, Manila, Philippines

Dahal, G.R. 2006 Governance and institutional structure: an ignored dimension of devolution policy process in forestry (the case of community based forest management in the Philippines). Ph.D. Thesis, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom.

Edmunds, D. and E. Wollenberg (eds.) 2003 Local forest management. Earthscan, London.

German, L., A. Karsenty and A-.M. Tiani 2009. Governing Africa's Forests in a Globalized World. London: Earthscan. in press" 2009

Gregersen, H., Contreras-Hermosilla, A., White, A. and Phillips, L. 2004 Forest governance in federal systems: an overview of experiences and implications for decentralisation (work in progress). UNFF, Indonesia, CIFOR, InterCooperation, SDC, and Forest Trends, Bogor, Indonesia.

The Interlaken Workshop Committee 2004. Decentralisation, federal systems in forestry and national forest programs: report of a workshop co-organised by the governments of Indonesia and Switzerland. The Interlaken Workshop, 27-30 April 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland. UNFF/Indonesia/Switzerland/CIFOR. 20p.

Komarudin, H., Siagian, Y. and Colfer, C.J.P. with Neldysavrino, Yentirizal, Syamsuddin, and Irawan, D. 2007 Collective action to secure property rights for the poor: a case study in Jambi province, Indonesia. CIFOR and CAPRi, Bogor, Indonesia.

Larson, A.M. 2005 Formal decentralisation and the imperative of decentralisation 'from below': a case study of natural resource management in Nicaragua. In: Ribot, J.C. and Larson, A.M. (eds.) Democratic decentralisation through a natural resource lens, 55-70. Routledge, London.

Oka, N.P., Achmad, A., Lahae, K., Komarudin, H. and Tako, A. 2007 Implikasi perubahan kebijakan otonomi daerah terhadap beberapa aspek di sektor kehutanan: studi kasus di Kabupaten Luwu Utara, Sulawesi Selatan. Case Study 15b. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Oka, N.P., Amran, A., Wiliam, D., Lahae, K. and Tako, A. 2005 The dynamics of forest decentralisation in South Sulawesi: history, reality and challenges to autonomous government. Case Studies on Decentralisation and Forests in Indonesia 11. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Oka, N.P., Komarudin, H., Achmad, A., Wahyudi and Tako, A. 2006 Ketergantungan, persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat terhadap sumberdaya hayati hutan. Forests and Governance Programme Series 8. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Oka, N.P., Komarudin, H. and Moeliono, M. 2007 Menerawang kesatuan pengelolaan hutan di era otonomi daerah. Governance Brief 38. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Oka, N.P. and William, D. 2004 The policy dilemma for balancing reforestation funds. Decentralisation Brief 1 (January). CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Oyono, P.R. 2005 The social and organisational roots of ecological uncertainties in Cameroon's forest management decentralisation model. In: Ribot, J.C. and Larson, A.M. (eds.) Democratic decentralisation through a natural resource lens, 174-191. Routledge, New York.

Samsu, Komarudin, H., McGrath, S., Ngau, Y. and Suramenggala, I. 2005 Kontribusi izin pemungutan dan pemanfaatan kayu (IPPK) 100 ha terhadap pendapatan daerah: studi kasus di Kabupaten Bulungan. Decentralisation Brief 6 (April). CIFOR, Bogor.

Samsu, Komarudin, H., McGrath, S., Ngau, Y. and Suramenggala, I. 2005 Small scale 100 ha logging concessions' contribution to regional finance: case study in Bulungan district. Decentralisation Brief 2 (January). CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Samsu, Suramenggala I., Komarudin, H. and Ngau, Y. 2005. Impacts of decentralisation on regional finances, local community and forests: a case study in Bulungan district of East Kalimantan. Case Studies on Decentralisation and Forests in Indonesia 12. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Shackleton, S. et al. 2001 Devolution in natural resource management: institutional arrangements and power shifts: a synthesis of case studies from southern Africa. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Subarudi and Dwiprabowo, H. 2007 Otonomi daerah bidang kehutanan: Implementasi dan tantangan kebijakan perimbangan keuangan. Forests and Governance Programme Series 12. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Sudirman, Herlina, H. and Wiliam, D. 2005 A local decision-making mechanism: perspectives on processes, implementation and impacts of decentralisation system in forestry sector in Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi. Case Studies on Decentralisation and Forests in Indonesia 14, CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Sudirman, Wiliam, D. and McGrath, S. 2005 Partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembuatan kebijakan daerah di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi: Ketidakpastian, tantangan, dan harapan. Decentralization Brief 7 (April). CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Sudirman, Wiliam, D. and McGrath, S. 2005 Public participation in local forestry policy-making after decentralization: uncertainties, challenges and expectations in Tanjung Jabung Barat district, Jambi province. Decentralization Brief 3 (January). CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Tokede, M.J., Wiliam, D., McGrath, S. and Gandhi, Y. 2005 Akses masyarakat setempat terhadap kesempatan-kesempatan pembangunan berbasis hutan di Kabupaten Manokwari. Decentralization Brief 8 (April). CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Tokede, M.J., William, D., McGrath, S. and Gandhi, Y. 2005 Local people's access to forest-based development opportunities in Manokwari district. Decentralization Brief 4 (January). CIFOR. Bogor, Indonesia.

Tokede, M.J., Wiliam, D., Widodo, Gandhi, G., Imburi, C., Patriahadi, Marwa, J. and Yufuai, M.C. 2005 Impacts of special autonomy in forestry sector: empowerment of customary rights on forest resource management in Manokwari district: a case study. Case Studies on Decentralisation and Forests in Indonesia 13. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Utomo, N.A., Dermawan, A. and Ngakan, P.O. 2007 Anggaran berbasis kinerja: tantangannya menuju tata kelola kehutanan yang baik. Governance Brief 37. CIFOR, Bogor, Indoensia.

Wollenberg, E., Anderson, J. and Edmunds, D. 2001 Pluralism and the less powerful: accommodating multiple interests in local forest management. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 1(3/4):199-222.

Yasmi, Y., Anshari, G.Z., Alqadrie, S., Budiarto, T., Ngusmanto, Abidin, E., Zulkifli and Afifudin 2005 Complexity of forest management in the era of regional autonomy: a case study in Sintang district, West Kalimantan. Case Studies on Decentralisation and Forests in Indonesia 10, CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Yasmi, Y., Anshari, G.Z., Komarudin, H. and Alqadri, S. 2006 Stakeholder conflicts and forest decentralisation in West Kalimantan: their dynamics and implication for future forest management. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 16: 167-180.

These activities continue to address, in various ways, the goals of the ACM programme, which were to achieve more sustainable and equitable management of forest resources and human well-being in a multi-stakeholder environment through the development and identification of a set of models, institutional arrangements, methods, tools and strategies to empower local communities.