CIFOR’s earliest days, advisors have encouraged us to engage in modelling to
strengthen our holistic and future-oriented thinking. ACM included a
modelling component early on, in close collaboration initially with Jerry
Vanclay’s work on the Forest Land Oriented Resource Envisioning System
(FLORES). This work resulted in a special issue of Small Scale Forest
Economics, Management, and Policy in 2003 (Volume 2, No. 2, May).
We also soon developed links with a group of people working at Centre de
coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement in
Montpellier, France. Herry Purnomo led CIFOR’s work on participatory
modelling, which was conducted in Cameroon, Indonesia and Zimbabwe and which
has evolved into ongoing work in Indonesia on agent-based modelling (in
cooperation with Philippe Guizol and others). Below are listed some of the
publications that have emerged from these bodies of work.
FLORES Society 2001 FLORES local adaptation and calibration package.
http://www.ierm.ed.ac.uk/flores/ (30 January 2003).
Guizol, P. and Purnomo, H. 2005 Modeling multi-stakeholder forest
management: the case of forest plantations in Sabah. In: Trebuil, G. and
Hardy, B. (eds.) Companion modeling and multi-agent systems for integrated
natural resource management in Asia. IRRI and CIRAD, Manila.
Haggith, M., Muetzelfeldt, R.I. and Taylor, J. 2003 Modelling
decision-making in rural communities at the forest margin. Small-scale
Forest Economics, Management and Policy 2(2): 241-258.
Haggith, M. and Prabhu, R. 2003 Unlocking complexity: the importance of idealisation in simulation modelling. Small-scale Forest Economics,
Management and Policy 2(2): 293-312.
Haggith, M., Prabhu, R., Colfer, C., Ritchie, B., Thomson, A. and Mudhavanhu,
H. 2003 Infectious ideas: a study in modelling the diffusion of ideas across
social networks. Small-scale Forest Economics, Management and Policy 2(2):
Haggith, M., Prabhu, R., Mudavanhu, H., Matose, F., Mutimukuru, T., Nyirenda,
R. and Standa-Gunda, W. 2003 The challenges of effective model scoping: a
FLORES case study from the Mafungautsi Forest margins, Zimbabwe. Small-scale
Forest Economics, Management and Policy 2(2): 155-169.
Legg, C. 2003 Camflores: a FLORES-type model for the humid forest margin in
Cameroon. Small-scale Forest Economics, Management and Policy 2(2): 211-224.
Prabhu, R., Haggith, M., Mudhavanhu, H., Muetzelfeldt, R., Standa-Gunda, W.
and Vanclay, J.K. 2003 ZimFlores: a model to advise co-management of the
Mafungautsi Forest in Zimbabwe. Small-scale Forest Economics, Management and
Policy 2(2): 185-210.
Purnomo, H. 2006 Teak furniture and business responsibility: a global value
chain dynamic approach. Economics and Finance in Indonesia 54(3): 411-443.
Purnomo, H. 2006 Trends and future scenarios of forestry and other land use
employment in Indonesia: a modeling approach. Economics and Finance in
Indonesia 54(1): 1-24.
Purnomo, H. 2007. Forestry, employment and millennium development goals. ETFRN News 47-48.
Purnomo, H. 2008 Landscape game: brings you to the dynamics of land
competition, policy measures and sustainability of a landscape.
(30 April 2009).
Purnomo, H. and Guizol, P. 2006 Simulating forest plantation co-management
with multi-agent-system. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 44: 535-552.
Purnomo, H., Guizol, P. and Mendoza, G.A. 2009 Exploring partnerships
between local communities and timber companies: an experiment using the
role-playing games approach. International Journal of Forestry Research,
Purnomo, H., Guizol, P. and Muhtaman, D.R. 2008 Governing the teak furniture
business: a global value chain system dynamic modelling approach.
Environmental Modelling and Software Journal,
Purnomo, H. and Mendoza, G.A. In press. A system dynamics model for
evaluating collaborative forest management: a case study in Indonesia.
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology.
Purnomo, H., Mendoza, G.A. and Prabhu, R. 2004 Developing a collaborative
model for community managed resources: a qualitative soft systems approach.
Tropical Forest Science 16(1): 106-131.
Purnomo, H., Mendoza, G.A. and Prabhu, R. 2005 Analysis of local
perspectives on sustainable forest management: an Indonesian case study.
Environmental Management 74: 111-126.
Purnomo, H., Mendoza, G.A., Prabhu, R. and Yasmi, Y. 2005 Developing
multi-stakeholder forest management scenarios: a multi-agent system
simulation approach. Forest Policy and Economics 7: 475-491.
Purnomo, H., Yasmi, Y., Prabhu, R., Hakim, S., Jafar, A. and Suprihatin 2003
Collaborative modelling to support forest management: qualitative systems
analysis at Lumut Mountain, Indonesia. Small-scale Forest Economics,
Management and Policy 2(2): 259-275.
Purnomo, H., Yasmi, Y., Prabhu, R., Yuliani, L., Priyadi, H. and Vanclay, J.
2003 Multi-agent simulation of alternative scenarios of collaborative forest
management. Small-scale Forest Economics, Management and Policy 2(2):
Robiglio, V., Mala, W.A., and Diaw, M.C. 2003 Mapping landscapes:
integrating GIS and social science methods to model human-nature
relationships in southern Cameroon. Small-scale Forest Economics, Management
and Policy 2(2): 171-184.
Standa-Gunda, W., Mutimukuru, T., Nyirenda, R., Haggith, M. and Vanclay, J.K.
2003 Participatory modelling to enhance social learning, collective action
and mobilization among users of the Mafungautsi forest, Zimbabwe.
Small-scale Forest Economics, Management and Policy 2(2): 313-326.
Vanclay, J.K. 2003 Why model landscapes at the level of households and
fields? Small-scale Forest Economics, Management and Policy 2(2): 121-134.
Vanclay, J.K., Haggith, M. and Colfer, C. 2003 Participation and
model-building: lessons learned from the Bukittinggi workshop. Small-scale
Forest Economics, Management and Policy 2(2): 135-154.
Vanclay, J.K., Muetzelfeldt, R., Haggith, M. and Bousquet, F. 2000 FLORES:
helping people to realize sustainable futures. In: Krishnapillay, B.,
Soepadmo, E., Arshad, N.L., Wong, A., Appanah, S., Chick, S.W., Manokaran,
N., Tong, H.L. and Choon, K.K. (eds.) Forests and society: the role of
research, XXI IUFRO World Congress 2000, Sub-plenary Sessions 1: 723-729.
Vanclay, J.K., Prabhu, R. and Sinclair, F. 2003 Modelling interactions
amongst people and forest resources at the landscape scale. Small-scale
Forest Economics, Management and Policy 2(2): 117-120.