Brief on Laos’ NDC and forestry sector was launched at a knowledge sharing and closing event on the decade-long ASFCC partnership
A knowledge tree for decision making for effective, efficient and equitable social foresty
How and why should equity be addressed within the REDD+ framework?
Feed the world: New global report highlights forests’ role
Across Southeast Asia, 300 million people live in rural areas and up to 70 million people rely on forests for their livelihoods, nutrition and food security. For centuries, local people have used and managed forests in various ways: enhancing natural forest ecosystems for food, timber and other non-timber products, as agro-forest systems planted with mixed food and commodity crops, and as forest fallows in swidden systems for maintaining environmental services. These systems have long been adaptive to changing market and socio-demographic demands, and more recently subjected to intensive policy and economic drivers. Against this setting, the formalization of social forestry or community-based forestry has become an increasing feature of forest management in the region. As efforts to combat climate change get underway, social forestry is an important component in the portfolio of forest management practices for channeling incentive mechanisms such as REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation plus enhancing forest carbon stocks).
As part of the ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change (ASFCC), the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is undertaking research to better understand swidden systems as a social forestry practice and their relevance for REDD+ and livelihoods. CIFOR’s research aims to understand how local knowledge, practices and social networks can be incorporated into the design of REDD+ projects to ensure that swidden communities can participate meaningfully in and benefit from REDD+.
Project News
The Knowledge Tree is a rich source of information about social forestry practices in Southeast Asia. It is a compilation of intelligence gathered by the ASEAN Working Group on Social Forestry since 2005. The work of partners under the ASEAN Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change has enriched this body of knowledge.
JAKARTA – (Mar. 3, 2020) At a knowledge sharing and closing event in Jakarta last week, delegates celebrated over a decade of partnership, sharing lessons and results from the ASEAN Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change (ASFCC) funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
Publication Year : 2020
Social forestry for sustainable forest management (SFM): A case study in Tongod District, Sabah
Authors: Johnlee, E.B.; Ibrahim, A.L.; Naito, D.; Lintangah, W.
Publication Year : 2019
The colour of maize: Visions of green growth and farmers perceptions in northern Laos
Authors: Kallio, M.H.; Hogarth, N.J.; Moeliono, M.; Brockhaus, M.; Cole, R.; Bong, I.W.; Wong, G.Y.