Stream 3
17 Jun, 08:30-16:45
Green Climate Fund Secretariat,
Songdo, S. Korea
Forestry in NDCs of Asia-Pacific countries: 2020 vision (closed meeting)
- Discuss the current status of forestry sector within NDCs of countries in Asia and the Pacific and how well this reflects the relative importance of the sector for achievement of climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives;
- Analyse implications of NDC commitments for the role of forest sector institutions in the implementation of NDC objectives between 2020 and 2030;
- Disseminate timely information on forestry in the NDCs and provide technical recommendations to national stakeholders and the forestry sector in the region
Stream 3
18 Jun, 13:30-15:00
Room 104-106
Session lead: CIFOR
Building Environmental Resilience: Dream or Distant Reality?
The talk will highlight facts and figures, ambitions versus actions, and insights on the future of a resilient environment. Dr Nasi will challenge old concerns: ls forestry and the forestry sector in the best position to lead/facilitate a landscape approach, and contribute to resilience building, which calls for multi-sectoral frameworks and collaboration? Can forestry be the game changer? How will the forestry sector position itself to harness its contributions to a resilient environment? What financing mechanisms support and enable the sector to better contribute to building a resilient environment?
18 Jun, 15:00–17:30
Oakwood Premier Incheon
International Forum for Integrated Forest Restoration - Future of Korean Peninsula: Forest Preservation, Utilization and People in Harmony Restoration Forum
Stream 3
18 Jun, 15:30–17:00
Room 104-106
High level session on climate finance for forests in the Asia Pacific region
Stream 2
18 Jun, 15:30-16:50
Room 302
Lesson Learned of Social Forestry in ASEAN Countries
Objectives: To share good practices of SF in ASEAN Countries
Indah Waty
Consultant, CIFOR
Stream 1
18 Jun, 15:30–17:00
Room 116-117
Developing a Landscape Approach for Forest Conservation and Restoration ahead of the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration
During this session, the lead for a discussion focused on the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration in devising effective approaches to landscape management to support ecosystem restoration. Topics to be discussed would include:
- Sustainable long-term management frameworks for landscape management
- Best practices in biodiversity assessment
- Case studies on effective community relations
- Research on carbon emissions and sequestration rates across different landscape types
Speakers will be able to explain, based on practical experience, that the lasting conservation of sensitive forest landscapes requires a multi-faceted approach that includes protection, assessment, management and restoration, as well as sustainable economic development, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
APFW 2019 Plenary Session
19 Jun, 09.00-10.30
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: Accelerating the Forestry Contribution
Stream 2
19 Jun, 11:00-12:30
Room: 107-108
Making Cooperation Work
In Asia and Pacific regions, collaborative action in addressing people centered forest have been applied. This collaborative works have broad implication in increase the resilience of community in terms of food security, economic livelihoods, and biodiversity.
Many challenges are still there and some works well. The session will capture good practices that have been implemented thus far including how to faces the challenges that exist. Some examples will be presented in different region, as well as guidelines that already established and implemented.
Stream 3
19 Jun, 13:30-15:00
Room 303
Session lead: CIFOR
Enhancing Environmental and Social Resilience: Lessons Learned from REDD+
The novel feature of REDD+ – payments for results at the scale of national or subnational jurisdictions – is only now beginning to be tested, more than a decade since the idea was first embraced by the international community. Lessons are emerging about the degree to which such payments can prompt essential policy reforms in land-use planning, tenure, and agriculture. In the meantime, REDD+ has evolved considerably in terms of scales of implementation and sources of finance. This session will focus on lessons learned from more than a decade of REDD+ implementation, delving into remaining challenges and new opportunities. The session will also address how REDD+ can more broadly support a resilient environment in the forest and land use sectors, including through a focus on local rights and livelihoods.
Ben Vickers
Regional Programme Coordinator, Forests and Climate, FAO
Stephen Donofrio
Director, Forest Trends
Ruandha Agung Sugardiman
Director General of Climate, Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF)
Byungki Ahn
Director of Global Forest Resources Division, Korea Forest Service
Emmy Primadona
REDD+ Project Coordinator, KKI Warsi
Stream 3
19 Jun, 13:30-15:00
Room 110
Session lead: CIFOR
Turning sustainability commitments into actions: Indonesia’s oil palm sector takes steps towards zero-deforestation
The rapid emergence of zero-deforestation commitments, culminating in the New York Declaration on Forests (NYDF) in September 2014, has been a reaction to a sense of urgency among a wide range of stakeholders who strive to halve deforestation by 2020 and to end it entirely by 2030. Early implementation revealed that several governance challenges have hampered the effective achievement of commitments. Encouragingly, the last four years have seen some remarkable examples of public policy leadership by national and sub-national governments, as well as the private sector, who have undertaken various initiatives to demonstrate how forests play a significant role in climate change mitigation. This panel discussion will critically examine the challenges and potential for effectively achieving the stated commitments, and demonstrate how different actors concerned with Indonesia’s palm oil sector are responding to the call to end deforestation.
Erwin Widodo
Southeast Asia Regional Coordinator, Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 (TFA 2020)
Fitri Nurfatriani
Scientist at the Center for Research and Development on Social, Economics, Policy and Climate Change, the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Henny Herdiyanto
Head of the Sustainable Plantation Division at East Kalimantan Provincial Government
Windrawan Inantha
Project Lead in Sustainable Oil Palm at The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
Stream 1
19 Jun, 13:30-17:00
Restoring our forests and landscapes; Session 1. Engaging the private sector in forest restoration
Stream 3
21 Jun, 11:00-12:30
Room 305
Tropical peatlands and green growth
Stream 3
21 Jun , 13:30-15:00
Building a resilient environment; Session 7. Financing climate resilience