Ir. Kustanta Budi Prihatno is the Director of Plan, Use, and Establishment Forest Management Area, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia.He has over twenty years of professional experience including as Deputy Director of Forest Reserve Allocation and Function; Deputy Director of Forest Gazetting and Tenurial Regional I; Deputy Director of Forest Macro Planning; Head of Foretry Regional Planning IV, Samarinda; Head of Foretry Regional Planning III, Pontianak; Deputy Director of Forest Inventory; Deputy Director of Remote Sensing; Deputy Director of Geographic Information; Head of Section for Information of Community Forest and Estate; Head of Section for Aerial Photography Interpretation. He also spent that time actively participating in research, projects, seminars, trainings and workshops in Indonesia and abroad. Academically, he holds a Masters degree in Engineering and Surveying Engineering from the University of New Brunswick, Canada. He also has a Bachelors degree in Forestry from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
Presentation:Our Sponsors and Partners