
09 Dec 2016


Presented by Terry Sunderland, CIFOR Principal Scientist and Team Leader, Sustainable Landscapes and Food Systems, on 8 December 2016 at a CGIAR-CBD Linkages side event at CBD COP13, Cancun, Mexico.
Role of bushmeat in food security and nutrition
03 Nov 2016

Role of bushmeat in food security and nutrition

This presentation highlights the importance of bushmeat for the food security, nutrition and income of rural and urban populations in the Amazon and Congo Basins. Following an introduction on the size and nature of the bushmeat value chain, we show the potential ecological, economical and nutritional crises if we pursue unsustainable practices. We then propose a portfolio of solution around a more sustainable supply, a reduced demand and a conducive enabling environment at national and international levels.
Financial and economic values of bushmeat in rural and urban livelihoods in Cameroon: Inputs to the development of public policy
01 Jul 2016

Financial and economic values of bushmeat in rural and urban livelihoods in Cameroon: Inputs to the development of public policy

Traditional wildlife hunting has been described mainly from studies of local practices and from the monitoring of urban bushmeat markets. However, the overall value chain connecting hunters to end consumers remains largely unknown, thus preventing any estimate of the actual socio-economic importance of the bushmeat sector. On the basis of existing literature, this talk provides an order of magnitude for the financial and economic benefits of the bushmeat commodity chain in Cameroon. This presentation was given by Guillaume Lescuyer and Robert Nasi of CIFOR at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation.
Wildlife: a forgotten and threatened resource
01 Jul 2016

Wildlife: a forgotten and threatened resource

The harvest of forest wildlife provides invaluable benefits to local people, but understanding of such practices remains fragmentary. With global attention drawn to the issue of declining biodiversity, this talk assesses the consequences, both for ecosystems and local livelihoods, of the loss of important forest resources, and alternative management options. This presentation was given by Robert Nasi of CIFOR at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation.
Wildlife: a forgotten and threatened forest resource
13 Oct 2014

Wildlife: a forgotten and threatened forest resource

This presentation from the 2014 IUFRO World Congress examined the role of wildlife as a forest resource. This presentation was a part of the forest foods, medicines, and health session of the IUFRO World Congress. Experts explored the state of knowledge on how forests around the world provide products and services that maintain and improve human health and well being.

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