
Experiences from the Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project
13 May 2014

Experiences from the Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project

This presentation by Rob Dodson from Wildlife Works given during the Forests Asia Summit in the discussion forum "Climate change: Seeing Green in REDD – Sharing experiences on the equity and economics of REDD+ pilot projects" introduces the Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project and what experiences can be drawn from it that are relevant for the international REDD+ processes.
Gender and bushmeat value chain
07 Oct 2012

Gender and bushmeat value chain

Men and women both contribute to and influence the use and trade of bushmeat, all along the bushmeat market chain from hunting to consumption, passing through trade and food preparation. In this presentation, we follow the bushmeat market chain, step by step, examining gendered involvement, and find tips for being gender-sensitive when mapping value chains. This presentation was given during CIFOR’s Annual Meeting 2012, which was held on 1–5 October at the headquarters in Bogor, Indonesia.
Can we manage for timber and biodiversity in the Congo Basin?
09 Sep 2012

Can we manage for timber and biodiversity in the Congo Basin?

CIFOR scientist Robert Nasi gave this presentation on 8 September 2012 at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Jeju, South Korea, during a session co-hosted by CIFOR titled ‘Managing wild species and systems for food security’.
Forests, biodiversity and food security
09 Sep 2012

Forests, biodiversity and food security

CIFOR scientist Terry Sunderland gave this presentation on 8 September 2012 at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Jeju, South Korea, during a session co-hosted by CIFOR titled ‘Managing wild species and systems for food security’.

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