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The Life History Of Human Foraging: Cross-Cultural And Individual Variation

The Life History Of Human Foraging: Cross-Cultural And Individual Variation

Publication Year: 2019

Human adaptation depends upon the integration of slow life history, complex production skills, and extensive sociality. Refining and testing models...

Authors: Koster, J.; Mcelreath, R.; Hill, K.; Yu, D.; Shepard JR, G.; Van Vliet, N.; Gurven, M.; Kaplan, H.; Trumble, B.; Bird, R.B.; Bird, D.; Codding, B.; Coad, L.; Pacheco-Cobos, L.; Winterhalder, B.; Lupo, K.; Schmitt, D.; Sillitoe, P.; Franzen, M.; Alvard, M.; Venkataraman, V.; Kraft, T.; Endicott, K.; Beckerman, S.; Marks, S.A.; Headland, T.; Pangau-Adam, M.; Siren, A.; Kramer, K.; Greaves, R.; Reyes-García, V.; Guèze, M.; Duda, R.; Fernández-Llamazares, A.; Gallois, S.; Napitupulu, L.; Ellen, R.; Ziker, J.; Nielsen, M.R.; Ready, E.; Healey, C.; Ross, C.

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