
Wild meat threatened by deforestation and mining
30 Jan 2017

Wild meat threatened by deforestation and mining

Chaotic and illegal gold mining is a major threat to forests and to biodiversity in some regions of the country. Gold mining empties forests and river. People have nothing to fish, nor to hunt, and this has clear implications on the food security of people living close to gold mining areas.
Future solutions: Recognizing local and traditional knowledge
30 Jan 2017

Future solutions: Recognizing local and traditional knowledge

Despite being illegal, bushmeat trade is a reality that contributes to many people\'s livelihoods. Bushmeat trade in Colombia only occurs at a relatively local scale, with the surplus being sold in the village or sent to the nearest town. Urban indigenous people consume bushmeat and consider this as their ancestral right that cannot be removed from them just because they have adopted a urban lifestyle.
Let’s talk about bushmeat
27 Oct 2016

Let’s talk about bushmeat

Bushmeat is the meat of wild animals used by humans for food. In this video, Professor John Fa of Manchester Metropolitan University and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) walks viewers through the concept of bushmeat, and the challenges it poses for sustainability of wildlife and sustainability of livelihoods. Learn more about bushmeat at
John E. Fa on striking a balance between wildlife protection and use
26 Jul 2016

John E. Fa on striking a balance between wildlife protection and use

John E. Fa, Professor of Biodiversity and Human Development at Manchester Metropolitan University and Senior Research Associate at Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), explains the significance of forest wildlife for food and nutritional security, and challenges related to the depletion of forest wildlife. Fa provides recommendations on how to strike a balance between wildlife use and protection. Read more: Subscribe! Follow #UNFAO on social media! * Facebook - * Google+ - * Instagram - * LinkedIn - * Twitter - © FAO:
Airumaküchi: Hunting for sustainability
09 Jul 2016

Airumaküchi: Hunting for sustainability

Looking at bushmeat hunters in the Columbian Amazon, this video addresses the importance of wildlife for rural ticuna families, including the importance for culture, food security and extra income.
Illegal wildlife trade and debated policy solutions
18 Mar 2015

Illegal wildlife trade and debated policy solutions

Jacob Phelps (CIFOR) and Duan Biggs (University of Queensland) discuss contentious policy responses to the booming illegal trade in wild plants and animals. When are sustainable use and captive breeding viable options, and what are their limitations? If you want to watch more of our interviews, got to :
Robert Nasi - Wildlife: a forgotten and threatened forest resource
27 Feb 2015

Robert Nasi - Wildlife: a forgotten and threatened forest resource

Protein from wildlife (including fish) is crucial to food security, nutrition and health across the tropics. The harvest of duikers, antelopes, pigs, primates, rodents, birds, reptiles and fish provides invaluable benefits to local people both in terms of income and of improved nutritious diets. It also creates, often linked with commercialization, some very important health issues with the spread of several life-threatening diseases (Ebola, SARS). Vulnerability of the resource to harvest varies, with some species sustaining populations in heavily hunted secondary habitats, while others require intact forests with minimal harvesting to maintain healthy populations. Global attention has been drawn to biodiversity loss through debates regarding bushmeat, the “empty forest” syndrome and their ecological importance. However, information on the harvest and the trade remains fragmentary, along with understanding of their ecological, socioeconomic and cultural dimensions. Here we assess the consequences, both for ecosystems and local livelihoods, of the loss of these important resources and propose alternative management options.
Fabiola Muñoz-Dodero - Opening Keynote: Negotiating landscapes for multiple benefits
06 Dec 2014

Fabiola Muñoz-Dodero - Opening Keynote: Negotiating landscapes for multiple benefits

Executive Director, Peruvian National Forest and Wildlife Service, Fabiola Muñoz-Dodero, speaks at the high-level opening plenary session from the first day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2014, in Lima, Peru, during COP20. The session explores how integrated approaches support the achievement of multiple benefits in the landscape, by addressing the following points: Which processes and principles can be applied that help in negotiating multiple benefits? What are the main obstacles to achieving combined land use solutions? And what does “good landscape governance” look like? Saturday, 6 December 2014 Global Landscapes Forum, Lima, Peru #COP20GLF #ThinkLandscape For more information go to:
Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez on bushmeat harvest research
29 Oct 2014

Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez on bushmeat harvest research

Watch this week's Science@10 with Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez discussing current knowledge gaps and priorities in bushmeat harvest research. Science@10 is CIFOR's series of knowledge-sharing sessions to engage scientists, associates and staff across the organization and beyond. Speaker: Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Scientist, CIFOR. Date: 28 October 2014 Location: CIFOR Headquarters, Bogor, Indonesia. For more information got to
Robert Nasi – Le rôle de la viande de brousse dans la propagation d’Ebola
22 Sep 2014

Robert Nasi – Le rôle de la viande de brousse dans la propagation d’Ebola

Dr Robert Nasi du Centre de recherche forestrière international ( parle de l’importance de la viande de brousse en Afrique central, et le rôle de la viande de brousse dans la propagation du virus Ebola. Pour en savoir plus sur le lien entre la viande de brousse et l’Ebola, voir (en anglais) Pour plus des informations, rendez vous sur: Contenu lié:

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