
Robert Nasi - The role of Bushmeat in the spread of Ebola
03 Sep 2014

Robert Nasi - The role of Bushmeat in the spread of Ebola

Dr. Robert Nasi of the Center for International Forestry Research ( talks about the importance of bushmeat in Central Africa, and the role of bushmeat in the spread of the Ebola virus. Learn more about the link between bushmeat and Ebola at Related reading:
Elizabeth Linda Yuliani on the human-wildlife conflict in Asia
25 Jan 2013

Elizabeth Linda Yuliani on the human-wildlife conflict in Asia

Elizabeth Linda Yuliani presenting "Human-wildlife conflict in Asia: implications for orangutan conservation" at a workshop entitled Linking Great Ape Conservation and Poverty Alleviation: Sharing Experience from Africa and Asia, CIFOR campus, Bogor, Indonesia, 11-13 January 2012.
Dilys Roe - IIED
25 Jan 2013

Dilys Roe - IIED

Dilys Roe presenting "Linking Ape Tourism and Poverty Alleviation in Africa: Issues and Oppurtunities" at a workshop entitled Linking Great Ape Conservation and Poverty Alleviation: Sharing Experience from Africa and Asia, CIFOR campus, Bogor, Indonesia, 11-13 January 2012.
Panta Kasoma - Jane Goodall Institute Uganda
25 Jan 2013

Panta Kasoma - Jane Goodall Institute Uganda

Panta Kasoma presenting "Tackling human-wildlife conflict in Uganda in order to improve attitudes to ape conservation" at a workshop entitled Linking Great Ape Conservation and Poverty Alleviation: Sharing Experience from Africa and Asia, CIFOR campus, Bogor, Indonesia, 11-13 January 2012.
Rondang S.E Siregar - Wildlife Research Group, University of Cambridge
25 Jan 2013

Rondang S.E Siregar - Wildlife Research Group, University of Cambridge

Rondang S.E Siregar presenting "Practical experience in tackling human-orangutan confilct: a case study in East Kalimantan, Indonesia" at a workshop entitled Linking Great Ape Conservation and Poverty Alleviation: Sharing Experience from Africa and Asia, CIFOR campus, Bogor, Indonesia, 11-13 January 2012.
Antoine Justin Eyebe - CARPE/PCLG
25 Jan 2013

Antoine Justin Eyebe - CARPE/PCLG

Antoine Justin Eyebe presenting "Overview of Human Wildlife Conflict Management in Cameroon" at a workshop entitled Linking Great Ape Conservation and Poverty Alleviation: Sharing Experience from Africa and Asia, CIFOR campus, Bogor, Indonesia, 11-13 January 2012.
Akankwasah Barirega - Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife & Heritage
25 Jan 2013

Akankwasah Barirega - Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife & Heritage

Akankwasah Barirega presenting Linking Ape Tourism and Poverty in Uganda: Opportunities, Limitations and Lessons at a workshop entitled Linking Great Ape Conservation and Poverty Alleviation: Sharing Experience from Africa and Asia, CIFOR campus, Bogor, Indonesia, 11-13 January 2012.
Empty Forests: Researching bushmeat in the Congo
28 Nov 2012

Empty Forests: Researching bushmeat in the Congo

Bushmeat is a crucial source of protein for forest dwellers -- but the animals are disappearing. To learn more, and for more stories from the Congo Basin, visit
The Congo Basin: State of the Forest
14 Nov 2012

The Congo Basin: State of the Forest

The Congo Basin forests are a lifeline for more than 60 million people -- providing food and income for many remote communities, storing huge amounts of carbon, supporting unique ecosystems and regulating the flow of the major rivers across Central Africa. Yet the Congo's forests are being cleared at an alarming rate amid global demand for minerals, energy and wood resources from Africa. Research into the issues facing the Congo Basin is more critical than ever. To learn more, and for more stories from the Congo Basin, visit Copyright permission for music "Chanter" by Sally Nyolo obtained from Skycap Music.

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