As a new decade begins, social and economic initiatives backed by sound government policies are key to spurring conservation and…
All CIFOR Videos
Sub-Saharan Africa: Regional exchange on wood fuel policies
As part of the project Governing Multifunctional Landscapes (GML) funded by the European Union, CIFOR organized a regional exchange with…
The everyday life of a woman is a pioneering one
International Women’s Day 2020: FTA interview with Violet Chanza Black
For International Women’s Day 2020 FTA interviews Violet Chanza Black, gender research assistant at the Alliance of Bioversity International and…
Himlal Baral interview on ecosystem services valuation studies in Bhutan
Sloping lands in transition (SLANT) is an emerging research initiative aimed at understanding the environmental and social outcomes of national…
“It is time to acknowledge wetlands’ critical role for biodiversity – and the solutions they provide on climate change and…
Protéger les forêts du Ghana en soutenant ses agriculteurs
Dans le cadre du projet “Gouverner les paysages multifonctionnels en Afrique subsaharienne (GML)”, financé par l’Union européenne, le CIFOR teste…
Keeping the peatlands safe for the sake of the planet
CIFOR’s Principal Scientist Daniel Murdiyarso explains the key to conserving peatlands. Read more:
For earth sake: REDD+ and local livelihood, a joint media workshop by CIFOR and UN-REDD Programme
Eleven journalist from South East Asia ventured to the peatland in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, to learn about forest and peatland…
Putting people at the heart of conservation efforts
Deep in the heart of Borneo island, Indonesia, one of the world’s biggest peatland conservation and restoration project is underway…