Robert Nasi, Director General of CIFOR, and Marc Palahí, Director of EFI, discuss the crucial role forests play in a sustainable future and why they need to be part of the global agenda.
Corporate news
A new organization born from the merger of CIFOR and ICRAF
A new organization born from the merger of the CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY RESEARCH (CIFOR) and WORLD AGROFORESTRY (ICRAF) Resilient…
Open Letter: An urgent need to put forests on the global agenda
Climate change has reached a tipping point, becoming a climate crisis that is having a domino effect on many of our world’s forests. It is now crucial for global leaders to come together and hold an Earth Forest Summit.
Tenure rights a strong incentive for forest landscape restoration initiatives
GIZ webinar with Steven Lawry, CIFOR principal scientist Rights enforcement must be strengthened for forest landscape restoration efforts to succeed,…
CIFOR, AFoCO join forces to promote sustainable forest management
The Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO) and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) are joining forces to promote sustainable…
CIFOR, Korea University team up to strengthen sustainable development through Resilient Landscapes
Korea University’s OJeong Eco-Resilience Institute (OJERI) and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) agreed to jointly develop forestry and landscape research projects and collaborate on other initiatives in an effort to promote sustainable and resilient landscape for meeting climate and sustainable development goals.. The two organizations signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 14 June in Seoul, Republic of Korea.
CIFOR named technical advisor to African restoration initiative AFR100
AFR100, an initiative to restore 100 million hectares of land in Africa, has added the Center of International Forestry Research (CIFOR) to its list of international technical advisors.
Call for abstracts: 5th Annual FLARE Network Meeting
The FLARE Secretariat is excited to host the 5th annual FLARE meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan (August 23-25, 2019). We welcome submissions from researchers, practitioners, and policymakers working in the forest and livelihoods field from our own North American backyard as well as from our colleagues around the globe.