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The Impacts of Commercialization in Agriculture and Forestry on Women’s Decent Employment

16 Mar 2017 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm, Salvation Army (downstairs), New York, United States.

Commercial agriculture and forestry promise jobs and income for local communities in return for their land, but often deliver little more than casual, underpaid and dangerous work – particularly for women. Greater attention is needed on the challenges and opportunities – and potential limits – to rural women’s economic empowerment in the face of increasing commercial interests in rural land, food crops and other agricultural commodities.

Based on the latest research findings, this event will highlight how the expansion of commercial agriculture and forestry is changing the world of work for rural women. Panelists and attendees will cover the gendered aspects of decent employment, land rights and household work, while looking for more sustainable and equitable ways forward.

Join CIFOR and partners for a discussion on these and other aspects of women’s employment, with an eye to achieving gender justice in rural development!

Register your participation in the forum here.

Panelists and topics of discussion:

Dr. Mia Siscawati, Head of Gender Studies Graduate Program, School of Strategic and Global Studies, Universitas Indonesia, will talk about the impact of large-scale oil palm expansion on women’s work in Indonesia.

Dr. Solange Bandiaky-Badji, Director Africa and Gender Justice Programs at Rights and Resources Initiative, will speak about the gendered impacts of large-scale land acquisitions (LSLA) in Ethiopia.

Dr. Emily Gallagher, Post-doctoral Fellow at CIFOR, will draw on her research on the impact of commercial agricultural investments on women’s care burden in Tanzania, and opportunities and challenges for developing gender responsive smallholder models.

Dr. Iliana Monterroso, Post-doctoral Fellow at CIFOR, will focus on the links between women’s land rights under customary tenure arrangements, and their ability to negotiate favorable employment opportunities from land investments.

Ms. Leena Akatama, Senior Gender Advisor at the Foreign Ministry of Finland, will situate the discussion in the broader context of SDGs and gender mainstreaming in development policy.


For further details, please contact Markus Ihalainen, Associate Professional Officer, CIFOR, at m.ihalainen@cgiar.org.

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