Past Events
Governance and Socio-Economic Attributes
2020 - online, online,
The Indonesian archipelago is home to over a third of the world’s tropical peatlands. But around half of these tropical peatlands have been degraded through drainage, deforestation and burning – as a result of land clearance for forestry and agriculture. This degradation has led to enhanced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions placing Indonesia among the world’s top five emitter countries.
REDD+ en Perú: Lecciones de una década de investigación y trabajo colaborativo
2020 - online, online,
Casi el 60 % del territorio nacional del Perú corresponde a áreas forestales, y se estima que un 46 % de los GEI emitidos en el país provienen de la deforestación. A nivel mundial, REDD+ se ha posicionado como una de las estrategias más populares para la mitigación del cambio climático y Perú no ha sido la excepción. Alrededor del mundo se han implementado más de 400 proyectos REDD+, y, aunque no hay registro oficiales públicos, Perú cuenta con aproximadamente 30 proyectos REDD+.
Analyser et transformer la REDD+ en République démocratique du Congo (RDC)
2020 - online, online,
Durant les dix dernières années, la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) a progressivement travaillé à mettre en place un cadre pour la réduction de ses émissions issues de la déforestation et de la dégradation forestière (REDD+) dans la perspective des objectifs de la Convention cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques (CCNUCC). De nombreux efforts ont été déployés pour identifier les facteurs de la déforestation et la dégradation des forêts, ainsi que les réformes du cadre légal et institutionnel qui sont nécessaires pour atteindre ces objectifs.
Vietnam National Workshop on Enhancing Wetland Management and Sustainable Development
2020 - online, online,
The workshop aims to foster collaboration between international and national scientific communities on sustainable wetland management; provide policy makers with information, tools and analysis to develop sustainable wetland policies in the new 2021-2030 strategy with vision to 2050, and disseminate new research methodologies in analyzing mangrove forest governance complexities.
For detail information, please click here.
REDD+ Online Workshop Series
2020 - online, online,
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+) is enshrined in the Paris Agreement and has been adopted by many countries as a way to promote climate and development benefits from forests. After ten years of experimentation, the novel feature of REDD+ – the prospect of offering large-scale, results-based finance to developing countries as a reward for performance – is beginning to materialize.
Transforming REDD+ and Payment for Forest Environmental Services in Vietnam
2020 - online, online,
Vietnam is currently developing its Forestry Development Strategy 2021-2030, with an eye to 2050. A key objective of the new strategy is to align national priorities with global forestry outlooks and international commitments, as well as developing innovative sustainable financing mechanisms for the forestry sector. Since 2010, CIFOR has worked with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), civil society organizations, scientific communities and practitioners to co-produce new data, tools, information and analysis – and to inform policy makers.
Biophysical Attributes and Peatland Fires
2020 - online, online,
Indonesian peatlands, including peat swamp forests, comprise 36% of the world’s tropical peatlands. Indonesia has one of the largest extents…
3rd Mekong Mangrove Forum:
Blue Carbon Ecosystem Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Utilization in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region and Beyond
2020 - online, online,
In celebration of International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem 1st of October: Mekong Mangrove Forum, organised by…
Exploring criteria and indicators for tropical peatland restoration
2020 - online, online,
Indonesian peatlands, including peat swamp forests, comprise 36% of the world’s tropical peatlands. As one of the largest tropical peatlands, Indonesian peatlands provide numerous ecosystem services, including their ability to slowly sequester and store carbon. Despite their important benefits, Indonesian peatlands have faced deforestation and drainage since the 1980s, mainly for forestry and agriculture purposes.