Fires and haze – how to maintain a glow of interest?
Disasters only briefly capture public and media attention. Is this contributing to a lack of long-term planning by decision makers?
Disasters only briefly capture public and media attention. Is this contributing to a lack of long-term planning by decision makers?
Remote sensing is not enough to inform us about the underlying reasons and purposes for the fires, and the entire landscape.
CIFOR analysis shows 21% of haze-causing fires in June were in industrial oil palm plantations. This raises a long list of questions.
New tool gives people the capacity to fact check media coverage on fires.
Complex socioeconomic, ecological and governance factors contribute to the cause of fires, and the solution.
Fires in June 2013 appear to be part of the processes of plantation establishment and management.
Poor implementation of laws in Indonesia could be a main contributor to recurring fire and haze.
Extensive clearing and fewer people have made the western Amazon more vulnerable to blazes.
Social, environmental and economic forces turn up the heat on Peruvian Amazon.