All current opportunities have been filled. We will announce more vacancies when available.
Opportunity for young forest specialists: Internships in Democratic Republic of the Congo
The project FORETS (Formation, Environnement et Recherche dans la Tshopo), financed by the European Union and implemented by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and Congolese and international partners, is offering new internships for Master’s students and recent graduates to gain field experience in tropical forestry.
These research-oriented opportunities are open to citizens of all nationalities, and there are no age restrictions. For language and knowledge requirements, as well as internship conditions, please refer to the documents below.
Current opportunities :
- Rôle de l’inventaire aérien dans l’estimation de la biomasse aérienne en plantations bois-énergie autour du Parc National des Virunga – Closed
- Étude floristique du sous-bois en plantations d’E. saligna, de G. robusta et d’A. mearnsii autour du Parc National des Virunga – Closed
- Environmental impacts of bioenergy wood production from short rotation forestry – Closed
- Étude de la dynamique de croissance à différents écartements de Pericopsis elata (Harms) Meeuwen (Fabaceae) 60 ans après la plantation – Closed
- Déterminisme de la différenciation des populations de Guibourtia demeusei en RDC – Closed