Media Coverage


A database of forest carbon emissions reduction projects

A database of forest carbon emissions reduction projects

Launched in 2015 by the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), the International Database on REDD+ projects and programs Linking Economic, Carbon and Communities data (ID-RECCO) contains 467 initiatives in 57 countries aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). Some also promote sustainable forest management and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+). Of these, 359 are considered currently active, 67 were completed before 2018, and 41 have not yet started or have been discontinued.

“ID-RECCO has so far been used mostly by researchers,” CIFOR researcher Gabriela Simonet told Mongabay. “For instance, it has been cited in 30 academic publications and has been used by CIFOR to test the representativeness of the REDD+ projects and programs included in its Global Comparative Study on REDD+.”

Ethiopia’s new forestry law: A win for landscapes and livelihoods?

Ethiopia’s new forestry law: A win for landscapes and livelihoods?

To this end, a new forest law was enacted in January this year that is a significant step in the right direction, says Habtemariam Kassa, Team Leader of Forests and Human Well-being Research at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) who supported efforts of the Ministry in the process of revising the national forest law. The 2018 National Forest Law – a revised version of the 2007 forest law – now clearly recognizes the rights of communities and acknowledges their role in managing natural forests and establishing plantations, without unduly compromising ecological services or biodiversity.

Minister Yimam says that his ministry has been working to socialize the new law since it was enacted in January 2018. The revisions were based on inputs from policy- and decision-makers at a range of levels, as well as CIFOR scientists – which, Minister Yimam says, make the law an impressive example of science and politics coming together for the betterment of a landscape.

Global meet has come at the right time

Global meet has come at the right time

The ongoing demolition of structures and evictions in Nairobi on the grounds that some are sitting on riparian land or space meant for public utilities comes ahead of the Prospects and Opportunities for Restoration in Africa Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) due at the United Nations Environment Programme (Unep) headquarters in Nairobi on August 29 and 30.

More than 800 multi-sector stakeholders from across Africa and around the world, along with at least 30,000 online participants, will engage in the event coordinated by the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Unep and the World Bank.

Kenya: Global Meet Has Come At the Right Time

Kenya: Global Meet Has Come At the Right Time

The ongoing demolition of structures and evictions in Nairobi on the grounds that some are sitting on riparian land or space meant for public utilities comes ahead of the Prospects and Opportunities for Restoration in Africa Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) due at the United Nations Environment Programme (Unep) headquarters in Nairobi on August 29 and 30.

More than 800 multi-sector stakeholders from across Africa and around the world, along with at least 30,000 online participants, will engage in the event coordinated by the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Unep and the World Bank.

Think trees! Changing mindsets one step at a time

Think trees! Changing mindsets one step at a time

The Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) is holding a conference in Nairobi on 28-29 August 2018 to help build and align international, national and private sector support for forest and landscape restoration. Led by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) alongside founding partners UN Environment and the World Bank, with core funding provided by the German Government, GLF accelerates action towards the creation of more resilient, equitable, profitable, productive and healthy landscapes, and the achievement of the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals.

Kenya hosts forum on restoring degraded landscapes in Africa

Kenya hosts forum on restoring degraded landscapes in Africa

NAIROBI, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) — More than 800 policymakers, scientists and green advocates will meet in Nairobi later this month to explore innovative ways to restore Africa’s degraded landscapes, organizers said on Wednesday.

The two-day forum organized by Centre for Forestry Research (CIFOR) in conjunction with the UN Environment and the World Bank, seeks to galvanize attention to the plight of Africa’s landscapes and forests grappling with human and climate induced threats.

“Africa’s landscapes must be restored to ensure the natural resource needs of the continent’s rapidly expanding population will one day be met, but there is no silver bullet,” said Robert Nasi, the director general of CIFOR.

Tarik Ulur antara Hutan Bakau dan Perubahan Iklim

Tarik Ulur antara Hutan Bakau dan Perubahan Iklim

Tidak banyak yang mengetahui fungsi hutan bakau atau mangrove dalam menanggulangi perubahan iklim dunia. Dalam kegiatan Blue Carbon Summit 2018, Rabu (18/07/2018), di Jakarta, dijelaskan bahwa hutan bakau dapat menyimpan karbon dalam jumlah besar.

“Isu besarnya itu mangrove dianggap dan memang (berperan) penting dalam kaitannya upaya mitigasi perubahan iklim. Dia punya potensi untuk menunda emisi,” ungkap Daniel Murdiyarso, peneliti senior pada Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).

“Dengan adanya mangrove, dia bisa meningkatkan sedimentasi. Dari penilitian kita, laju sedimentasi di kawasan yang ada mangrovenya itu antara 5-6 milimeter per tahun. Sementara kenaikan muka laut 2-3 milimeter per tahun. Jadi bisa ada harapan untuk menghindari dampak kenaikan muka laut kalau kita punya mangrove,” imbuh Daniel.
