11 January 2021 Results-based payments in Indonesia: A strategy to move REDD+ forward? Data demonstrate a reduction in forest-related emissions
29 December 2020 Indonesia creates expert wetlands team to revitalize development goal efforts Getting a jump start on U.N. Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
28 December 2020 Rural livelihoods at risk in Congo Basin due to erratic rainfall and water flow Availability of edible caterpillars drops more than 85 percent
22 December 2020 REDD+ research maps complex path to protect forests, people and climate Indonesian project prevents conversion of peatland area and invests in restoration
10 December 2020 Peatland restoration in Indonesia: Why do people matter? Livelihood security key for hydrological rehabilitation
05 December 2020 Soil health critical for maintaining human health, biological diversity, researchers say Helping earth boost production
30 November 2020 Indonesia sees a sustainable future for Sintang and other local districts Forging a path for nature-based economies
04 November 2020 Q+A: Transforming payments for forest environmental services in Vietnam Insights from CIFOR senior scientist Pham Thu Thuy
27 October 2020 Progress and perils in Indonesia’s peatland restoration journey Webinar explores how to chart emission levels and ecosystem health