09 September 2020 Indonesia puts people and environment first in peatland restoration efforts 'Three Rs' key to effective management, say delegates at CIFOR-ITPC webinar
25 August 2020 Tracking REDD+: A story of remuneration and rewards for avoided deforestation in Central Africa Evaluating the role of communications in project implementation
20 August 2020 Earth Overshoot Day 2020 arrives later due to pandemic-related slowdown in clearing forests Global data conceal disparities in patterns of consumption, says CIFOR DG Robert Nasi
11 August 2020 Seeking sustainable livelihoods for peatland farmers Online tropical peatland talk sheds light on value of practical techniques
21 July 2020 Survey shows potential impact of palm trees in quantifying rainforest carbon No global blueprint for sustainable management of tropical ecosystems
29 June 2020 Well-managed peatlands vital part of global food security, GLF delegates say Experts detail peatland conservation and restoration efforts
26 June 2020 Reforestation could play role in pandemic recovery jobs creation, says IMF’s Georgieva Low-carbon, climate-resilient economies central
25 June 2020 GLF talks dig deep on food security, soils and social inclusion Shaping soil organic carbon sequestration projects for small-scale farmers
16 June 2020 Numbers not neutral and only part of a story, say scientists at GLF Bonn Acknowledging political dimensions of numbers is starting point for all change