To curb Indonesian deforestation, public pressure required, research suggests
Protecting forests requires a fundamental change to the way business and politics operate.
Protecting forests requires a fundamental change to the way business and politics operate.
Lessons from benefit sharing, decision-making and dispute resolution could be beneficial to promoting equity in green-economy
REDD+ initiatives have turned up an increasing need to resolve tenure insecurity and ‘disadvantageous economics’ of REDD+.
By 2050, the tropics could see a 12 percent and 21 percent decline in wet and dry season precipitation.
The need for convergence between the climate change and sustainable development agendas
Scientists debate solutions to the threats faced by Indonesia’s mangrove forests at the Restoring Coastal Livelihoods conference in Bogor
Can the principle of no-cure-no-pay work?
Lack of data for REDD+ and greenhouse gas emission reduction policies drives need to measure carbon stock of Peru's peatlands.
High-altitude forests indicates the amount of carbon that trees and plants absorb is not rising due to climate change.
Scientists discuss the impacts of mangrove conversion, the potential for mangrove restoration and sustainable livelihood alternatives.