Bonn climate talks tackle emissions verification stumbling block
Should emissions reductions claimed by countries be verified by an independent international body?
Should emissions reductions claimed by countries be verified by an independent international body?
Poor implementation of laws in Indonesia could be a main contributor to recurring fire and haze.
Weak demand in carbon markets turns REDD+ funding towards development aid budgets.
Scientists stress the importance of getting REDD+ funding mechanisms right.
Funding questions add another major layer of uncertainty in REDD+.
Should there be a REDD+ governing body to organize the flow of financial support and verification processes?
If tenure rights are not clear, then it is not clear who is responsible for reducing emissions or who can claim the benefits.
Central Kalimantan’s current governor has high hopes for the province’s peatlands, despite the many challenges.
CIFOR scientists question recent Economist article on global air temperature.
International architecture for REDD+ still has a long way to go.