Rio+20: Balancing conservation and development key to conserving Cameroon’s forests
Indonesia’s forest moratorium: halfway through, what has been achieved?
Indonesia should improve forest governance in the second year of its forest moratorium, said senior CIFOR scientist Daniel Murdiyarso.
Sustainable development needs more than just green economy: Ecuador minister
"We should recognize both nature’s rights and limits as crucial elements for the development of any country."
Global community needs to invest in MRV capacity in forest-rich developing countries to make REDD+ work
"REDD+ supporters need to be realistic about what developing countries can do in terms of MRV."
The Letter of Intent that prompted a tectonic shift in the dialogue about Indonesia’s forests: An interview with CIFOR’s DG
"The Letter of Intent was the single most significant game changer in that 25 years of observing the Indonesian forestry sector."
Woodfuel causes deforestation in Congo Basin yet is potential renewable energy source
REDD+ initiatives may provide incentive for more sustainable energy approaches.
New tree-planting and water-use methods boost soil carbon to aid food security in Africa
Experts also warn that trading soil carbon 'may have undesirable consequences' for food security.
Mangroves being destroyed at “an alarming rate” yet not mentioned in Rio+20’s zero draft
BOGOR, Indonesia (14 March, 2012)_“Oceans” will be one of the key issues under discussion at Rio+20 to ensure the protection of marine resources, yet mangroves – whose carbon sequestering ability and raft of ocean ecosystem services are being lost at an "alarming rate" -- are not mentioned at all in the summit’s zero draft agenda.
Indonesia sets aside 45% of forest-rich Kalimantan to be world’s lungs
The move may protect up to 8.5 million hectares of extra forest and peatland.