Modelling environmental and socio-economic trade-offs associated with land-sparing and land-sharing approaches to oil palm expansion
Publication Year : 2014
The effectiveness of land-sharing and land-sparing approaches has been widely debated. Yet, few studies quantify the environmental and socio-economic outcomes
The critical importance of considering fire in REDD+ programs
Publication Year : 2012
Fires are increasingly responsible for forest degradation in the humid tropics due to the expansion of fire-dependent agriculture, fragmentation, intensive
REDD+ politics in the media: A case study from Peru
Publication Year : 2014
In this study, we assessed the media coverage of the REDD+ mechanism in Perus national and subnational newspapers to better
Tropical peat swamp forests: Current knowledge, gaps and science needs
Publication Year : 2013
Calibration of global above ground biomass estimate using multi-source remote sensing data
Publication Year : 2013
Mangrove ecosystem is among the most richest carbon in the tropics . The study by Donato, (2011) estimated the
Using Indonesian forests: Institutional reform and massive public participation are crucial to mitigate climate change
Publication Year : 2011
Indonesia is home to vast tropical forests, but with deforestation rates approaching 1.8 per cent annually, it is also among
Operationalizing REDD+ Safeguards: Challenges and opportunities
Publication Year : 2014
Results-based financing of REDD+ is conditional on the implementation of national Safeguard Information Systems (SIS) to address social and environmental
The Evolution of REDD+ Social Safeguards in Brazil, Indonesia and Tanzania: Multi-level policy processes, dialogues and actions on REDD+ social safeguards: Challenges and opportunities for national REDD+ safeguards measurement, reporting and verification.
Publication Year : 2014
Countries are grappling with how to integrate social safeguards into national and subnational REDD+ architectures. Safeguard policies are intended to
Operationalizing Safeguards in National REDD+ Benefit-sharing Systems: Lessons on effectiveness, efficiency and equity
Publication Year : 2014
Operationalizing safeguards in national REDD+ architectures remains a major challenge in most REDD+ countries, particularly in the area of benefit
Why tenure is key to fulfilling climate and ethical goals in REDD+
Publication Year : 2014
Although REDD+ proponents have worked hard to clarify and change tenure arrangements in subnational initiatives, they are falling short of
Can safeguards guarantee gender equity?: Lessons from research on women in early REDD+ implementation
Publication Year : 2014
"Participation" is an insufficient measure to safeguard womens interests. Rather, gender-responsive analyses are needed to understand real and perceived gender
Safeguarding biodiversity in REDD+: Necessary but not sufficient to help slow global biodiversity loss
Publication Year : 2014
Biodiversity safeguards were introduced into the REDD+ mechanism to avoid potential harm to biodiversity. However, for REDD+ to truly contribute
Designing low-cost, rigorous and sustainable REDD+ Safeguard Information Systems: Using publicly available social and spatial data and impact evaluation methods to assess REDD+ social safeguards in Kalimantan, Indonesia
Publication Year : 2014
Developing low-cost, rigorous and sustainable systems for the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of national or subnational social safeguards presents
The experience of conditional cash transfers: Lessons for REDD+ benefit sharing
Publication Year : 2014
Key Lessons
- Conditionality is a key element of conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs and its use has broad political and social