Efficacy of oil palm intercropping by smallholders: Case study in South-West Cameroon
Publication Year : 2016
Intercropping oil palm during its immature stage with food crops is usually blamed for its negative impact on the growth
Contribution of dry forest products to household income and determinants of forest income levels in the northwestern and southern lowlands of Ethiopia
Publication Year : 2015
Dry forests are dominant vegetation types in East Africa. The contribution of these resources to local livelihoods is poorly understood.
History of partnership between agro-industries and oil palm smallholders in Cameroon
Publication Year : 2015
The present article explores the origin and changes in partnership agreements established between agro-industries and oil palm smallholders in Cameroon.
The state of oil palm development in the Brazilian Amazon: Trends, value chain dynamics, and business models
Publication Year : 2015
Over the past decade, the Brazilian government has actively promoted oil palm in the Amazon biome as an alternative biodiesel
Zero-deforestation commitments in Indonesia: Governance challenges
Publication Year : 2015
- Zero-deforestation commitments are emerging rapidly in Indonesia. They already encompass a large portion of crude palm oil production and almost
Indonesian peatland fires: Perceptions of solutions
Publication Year : 2015
Indonesias recurrent peatland fires generate toxic haze and release globally significant amounts of greenhouse gases, with severe impacts on public
Governing Oil Palm Landscapes for Sustainability (GOLS)
Publication Year : 2015
Key messages
- An increasing number of private sector companies are making space for sustainability in their corporate governance processes and attempting
Gender mainstreaming in REDD+ and PES: Lessons learned from Vietnam
Publication Year : 2015
Gender mainstreaming in REDD+ and PES requires not only a policy on gender equity, but also political will and sufficient
Mengelola Lanskap Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan
Publication Year : 2015
Pesan kunci
- Semakin banyak perusahaan swasta saat ini mengadopsi prinsip-prinsip keberlanjutan di dalam proses tata kelola perusahaan mereka dan berusaha untuk
Carbon stocks in artificially and naturally regenerated mangrove ecosystems in the Mekong Delta
Publication Year : 2016
Mangrove forests cover a small fraction of the earths surface, but contribute disproportionately to ecosystem services, including carbon (C) storage.
Carbon stocks and soil sequestration rates of tropical riverine wetlands
Publication Year : 2015
Riverine wetlands are created and transformed by geomorphological processes that determine their vegetation composition, primary production and soil accretion, all
The Mangroves of the Zambezi Delta: Increase in Extent Observed via Satellite from 1994 to 2013
Publication Year : 2015
Does the Establishment of Sustainable Use Reserves Affect Fire Management in the Humid Tropics?
Publication Year : 2016
Tropical forests are experiencing a growing fire problem driven by climatic change, agricultural expansion and forest degradation. Protected areas are
Impacts of Land Use on Indian Mangrove Forest Carbon Stocks: Implications for Conservation and Management
Publication Year : 2016
Globally, mangrove forests represents only 0.7% of world's tropical forested area but are highly threatened due to susceptibility to climate