Peatland carbon stocks and accumulation rates in the Ecuadorian páramo
Publication Year : 2016
The páramo is a high altitude tropical Andean ecosystem that contains peatlands with thick horizons of carbon (C) dense soils.
Publication Year : 2016
The páramo is a high altitude tropical Andean ecosystem that contains peatlands with thick horizons of carbon (C) dense soils.
Publication Year : 2016
Mangroves provide numerous ecosystem services, including biodiversity values such as nesting sites for piscivorous waterbirds. High concentrations of waterbirds at
Publication Year : 2016
Increased sea level is the climate change effect expected to have the greatest impact on mangrove forest survival. Mangroves have
Publication Year : 2016
Mangrove forests are highly productive and have large carbon sinks while also providing numerous goods and ecosystem services. However, effective
Publication Year : 2016
Indonesia is one of several countries in the world leading the way in the design and implementation of REDD+ (Reducing
Publication Year : 2015
Recently there has been renewed interest in accurate estimation of forest carbon stock in the context of climate change mitigation
Publication Year : 2016
Women often use natural resources differently than men yet frequently have minimal influence on how local resources are managed. An
Publication Year : 2016
Wetlands can store large quantities of carbon (C) and are considered key sites for C sequestration. However, the C sequestration
Publication Year : 2016
Who makes land use decisions, how are decisions made, and who influences whom, how and why? This working paper is
Publication Year : 2016
Indonesia has had considerable experience in implementing more than 150 projects, in more than 400 locations, on forest rehabilitation and
Publication Year : 2016
This enlightening book brings together the work of gender and forestry specialists from various backgrounds and fields of research and
Publication Year : 2016
Publication Year : 2016
Publication Year : 2016
By 2030 Indonesia aims to reduce its CO2 emissions by 29% while maintaining a 7% annual GDP growth rate, thus
Publication Year : 2016
The study presented in this article focuses on firewood and charcoal in Cameroon. The study analyses subnational secondary data combined