Press releases


New Report Warns Failure to Understand Root Causes of Deforestation Imperils New Efforts to Curb Forest-Based Carbon Emissions

New Report Warns Failure to Understand Root Causes of Deforestation Imperils New Efforts to Curb Forest-Based Carbon Emissions

-A new study by one of the world’s leading forestry research institutes warns that the new push to “reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation,” known by the acronym REDD, is imperiled by a routine failure to grasp the root causes of deforestation. The study sought to link what is known about the underlying causes of the loss of 13 million hectares of forest each year to the promise—and potential pitfalls—of REDD schemes.

Former US President Bill Clinton applauds forest and climate change initiative by the Indonesian Government and CIFOR

Former US President Bill Clinton applauds forest and climate change initiative by the Indonesian Government and CIFOR

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton has recognized a commitment by the Government of Indonesia and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) to address the role of forests in climate change. The commitment was featured at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting in New York. The September 27th event attracted hundreds of international leading figures from government, industry, academia, philanthropy and civil society.

Deforestation & Climate Change High-Level Meeting on Forests and Climate, Sydney, July 23 – 25

Deforestation & Climate Change High-Level Meeting on Forests and Climate, Sydney, July 23 – 25

International efforts to assist developing countries fight climate change by reducing deforestation can succeed, but will require time, money and a willingness to take often politically difficult decisions, according to the head of a leading international forest think-tank. Frances Seymour, Director General of the Indonesia-headquartered Center for International Forestry Research, is an invited speaker at the Australian Government’s international High-Level Meeting on Forests and Climate, Sydney, July 23 – 25.

Press Release Bupati Malinau Sebagai Penerima Penghargaan Kalpataru Tahun 2007 Kategori Pembina Lingkungan Hidup

Press Release Bupati Malinau Sebagai Penerima Penghargaan Kalpataru Tahun 2007 Kategori Pembina Lingkungan Hidup

Disaat issu pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim merebak, dimana Indonesia dituding sebagai penyumbang emisi karbon terbesar ke-3 di dunia dan dimasukkan ke dalam guiness book of record sebagai negara penghancur hutan tercepat di dunia, masih ada kabar baik dari kabupaten Malinau, yang berani memproklamasikan dirinya menjadi kabupaten konservasi dengan membuahkan Kalpataru.

To Reduce Poverty and Conflict African Governments Moving to Recognize Local Community Rights to Own and Manage Forests

To Reduce Poverty and Conflict African Governments Moving to Recognize Local Community Rights to Own and Manage Forests

YAOUNDE, CAMEROON (13 March 2007) – Government officials, researchers, and civil society leaders from West and Central Africa convened today in Yaoundé to share experiences and assess the impact of recent reforms involving recognition of community-based property rights and devolution of management authority to indigenous and other local communities in forest regions. Cameroon has achieved significant process, while other Central African countries are learning from Cameroon to herald similar progress in the near future.

Government of Cameroon and CIFOR sign Host Country Agreement to help forests and people

Government of Cameroon and CIFOR sign Host Country Agreement to help forests and people

Yaoundé, March 9, 2007: The future of Central Africa’s forests in supporting millions of livelihoods and providing a vital habitat for much of the world’s rich biodiversity was significantly enhanced today with the signing of a Host Country Agreement between the Government of Cameroon and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
