For more information, contact: James Maiden at Cell: +62-811-860-4331 Center for International Forestry Research For immediate release New global…
Press releases
Faced with “Empty Forests,” experts urge better regulation of bushmeat trade
Nairobi, Montreal, Geneva, 10 June 2011 – A growing and lucrative illegal international commercial trade in the meat and other parts of wild mammals, birds and reptiles (‘bushmeat’) is causing widespread loss of biodiversity, imperilling the livelihoods of communities around the world, and destabilising fragile tropical forest ecosystems.
REDD+ Strategies Lack Plan for Agriculture Even as Countries Cite Farm Expansion as Main Cause of Forest Loss
BONN, GERMANY (8 JUNE 2011)—The majority of countries participating in a major global effort to reduce greenhouse emissions caused by forest destruction cite agriculture as the main cause of deforestation, but very few provide details on how they would address the link between agriculture and forestry, according to a new analysis by experts probing the effect of climate change on food security.
WED 2011 Spotlights Enormous Economic and Human Benefits from Boosting Funding for Forests
Delhi/Nairobi/World, 5 June 2011 – Investing an additional US$40 billion a year in the forestry sector could halve deforestation rates by 2030, increase rates of tree planting by around 140 per cent by 2050, and catalyze the creation of millions of new jobs according to a report by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
Trees and Landscape Restoration Can Help Deliver a ‘Triple Win’
Nairobi/Washington DC – Against a backdrop of volatile food prices and increasing climate variability, more and more people are paying attention to the relationship between a healthy environment and resilient farmland. From policy makers to private investors, from researchers to smallholder farmers, many are looking for better ways to increase food security in a changing climate.
Ban on new forest concessions in Indonesia is good news for climate change, but many challenges remain
BOGOR, Indonesia (May 20, 2011) Indonesia today took a step toward cutting its carbon emissions by issuing a presidential decree banning new concessions in primary forests and on peatlands, but more stringent measures may be needed if the country is to meet its ambitious targets for cuts in greenhouse gases, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) said.
Forests are a path to sustainable development
13 May 2011, New York – As discussions draw to a close at the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) in UN Headquarters this week, members of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), an international mechanism composed of 14-forest related organizations and secretariats, are calling upon countries to pay more attention to the crucial contribution of forests to sustainable development.
Global forestry institutions call for more community-based forest management
The leading international organizations working to protect and manage the world’s forests are calling for governments across the globe to increase communities’ role in forest management. Doing so could contribute to lifting close to a billion people out of poverty, as well as improve the health and vitality of forests.
Low fertilizer use drives deforestation in West Africa, imperils REDD implementation says new study
Researchers call for greater focus on ‘fertilizers for forest’ mitigation in West Africa to improve food security, protect biodiversity and reduce emissions from deforestation
World Health Day 2011: Forests provide untapped resources for human health
Vienna/Vantaa – “It is not commonly understood how much – even in our hypermodern urban age human health and well-being are influenced by forests and trees”