Enhancing women’s resource rights for improving resilience to climate changePublication Year : 2021Enhancing women’s resource rights for improving resilience to climate changePublication Year : 2021Authors: Monterroso, I.; Paez-Valencia, A.M.; Gallagher, E.; Chesterman, S.; Meinzen-Dick, R.; Enokenwa Baa, O.; Elias, M.
Chapter 10 – SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities – An Environmental Justice Perspective on Implications for Forests and PeoplePublication Year : 2019SDG 10 calls for reducing inequalities within and among countries. This chapter evaluates the potential effects of addressing SDG 10…Authors: Sijapati Basnett, B.; Myers, R.; Elias, M.
At the intersection of gender and generation: Engaging with ‘youth’ in the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and AgroforestryPublication Year : 2019The purpose of this brief is to identify the critical issues concerning young people in rural areas that hold significance…Authors: Clendenning, J.; Elias, M.; Sijapati Basnett, B.
The Gender Equality in Research Scale: A tool for monitoring and encouraging progress on gender integration in research for and in developmentPublication Year : 2019This brief discusses a monitoring and learning tool the Gender Equality in Research Scale (GEIRS) designed to assess…Authors: Paez Valencia, A.M.; Ihalainen, M.; Elias, M.; Sijapati Basnett, B.
Mobilizing indigenous and local knowledge for successful restorationPublication Year : 2018Key messages Careful integration of indigenous and local knowledge in Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) is at the heart of successful…Authors: Elias, M.
Understanding Gendered Innovation Processes in Forest-based Landscapes: Case studies from Indonesia and Kyrgyz Republic. GENNOVATE Report to the CGIAR Research Programs on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA)Publication Year : 2018This report forms part of a set of GENNOVATE research reports which pull together CRP-specific findings about how gender norms…Authors: Elias, M.; Elmirst, R.; Ibraeva, G.; Sijapati Basnett, B.; Ablezova, M.; Siscawati, M.
Gender matters in Forest Landscape Restoration: A framework for design and evaluationPublication Year : 2017Key messages The essence of gender-responsive Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) is ensuring that women and men at all levels have…Authors: Sijapati Basnett, B.; Elias, M.; Ihalainen, M.; Paez Valencia, A.M.
Introduction to gender and forests: Themes, contents, and gapsPublication Year : 2017Authors: Colfer, C.J.P.; Elias, M.; Sijapati Basnett, B.; Hummel, S.S.
Concluding reflections for the futurePublication Year : 2017Authors: Sijapati Basnett, B.; Elias, M.; Hummel, S.S.; Colfer, C.J.P.
The Earthscan Reader on Gender and ForestsPublication Year : 2017There is currently much interest in mainstreaming gender in natural resource management, including forestry. This reader provides a collection of…Authors: Colfer, C.J.P.; Elias, M.; Sijapati Basnett, B.; Hummel, S.S.; (eds.)