Going into COP26 and getting it right: Forests, agriculture, ecosystems and nature for climate change mitigation and adaptationPublication Year : 2021Going into COP26 and getting it right: Forests, agriculture, ecosystems and nature for climate change mitigation and adaptationPublication Year : 2021Authors: Martius, C.; Leonard, S.; Sarmiento Barletti, J.P.; Djoudi, H.; Prabhu, R.
Small flame but no fire: Wood fuel in the (Intended) Nationally Determined Contributions of countries in Sub-Saharan AfricaPublication Year : 2017Woodfuel is extremely important for energy security in Africa. About eighty percent of both rural and urban populations in the…Authors: Amugune, I.; Cerutti, P.O.; Baral, H.; Leonard, S.; Martius, C.
Enhancing transparency in the land sector under the Paris Agreement: Non-state actors and corporate pledges, from rhetoric to realityPublication Year : 2016Key messages Article 13 of the Paris Agreement calls for enhanced transparency in climate actions. At the same time, non-state…Authors: Gnych, S.; Leonard, S.; Pacheco, P.; Lawry, S.; Martius, C.
Enhancing transparency in the land-use sector: Exploring the role of independent monitoring approachesPublication Year : 2016There is a need for independent monitoring approaches (i.e. unbiased data, tools and methods) that stakeholders involved in land-use sector…Authors: de Sy, V.; Herold, M.; Martius, C.; Böttcher, H.; Fritz, S.; Gaveau, D.L.A.; Leonard, S.; Romijn, E.; Román-Cuesta, R.M.
More holistic approaches to agriculture needed: An analysis of party submissions to SBSTA 44 on adaptation and agriculturePublication Year : 2016Key points We analyzed the 25 available submissions on agriculture and adaptation as requested by SBSTA 40, and submitted to…Authors: de Leon, A.; Leonard, S.; Martius, C.
A match made in Paris: Adaptation-mitigation synergies in the land sectorPublication Year : 2016Key messages Both mitigation and adaptation are of critical importance to the land sector, including forests and people depending on…Authors: Leonard, S.; Locatelli, B.; Murdiyarso, D.; Martius, C.; Quina, M.; Baral, H.
Results-based payments for REDD+: Lessons on finance, performance, and non-carbon benefitsPublication Year : 2016Key messages Results-based finance is a cornerstone in the approach to REDD+, as outlined in the Paris Climate Agreement. Results-based…Authors: Wong, G.Y.; Angelsen, A.; Brockhaus, M.; Carmenta, R.; Duchelle, A.E.; Leonard, S.; Luttrell, C.; Martius, C.; Wunder, S.
Further guidance for REDD+ safeguard information systems?: An analysis of positions in the UNFCCC negotiationsPublication Year : 2014We analyzed submissions to the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) from Parties and Observer Organizations on two…Authors: Menton, M.; Ferguson, C.; Lelmu-Brown, R.; Leonard, S.; Brockhaus, M.; Duchelle, A.E.; Martius, C.
Synergies across a REDD+ landscape: Non-carbon benefits, joint mitigation and adaptation, and an analysis of submissions to the SBSTAPublication Year : 2014International policy makers are currently exploring methodological matters associated with non-carbon benefits and joint mitigation and adaptation approaches as they…Authors: Elias, P.; Leonard, S.; Cando, L.; Fedele, G.; Gaveau, D.L.A.; Locatelli, B.; Martius, C.; Murdiyarso, D.; Sunderlin, W.D.; Verchot, L.V.