Understanding the Roles of Forests and Tree-based Systems in Food ProvisionPublication Year : 2015Understanding the Roles of Forests and Tree-based Systems in Food ProvisionPublication Year : 2015Forests and other tree-based systems such as agroforestry contribute to food and nutritional security in myriad ways. Directly, trees provide…Authors: Jamnadass, R.H.; McMullin, S.; Iiyama, M.; Dawson, I.K.; Powell, B.; Termote, C.; Ickowitz, A.; Kehlenbeck, K.; Vinceti, B.; Van Vliet, N.; Keding, G.; Stadlmayr, B.; van Damme, P.; Carsan, S.; Sunderland, T.C.H.; Njenga, M.; Gyau, A.; Cerutti, P.O.; Schure, J.; Kouame, C.; Obiri, B.D.; Ofori, D.; Agarwal, B.; Neufeldt, H.; Degrande, A.; Serban, A.
Understanding the Roles of Forests and Tree-based Systems in Food ProvisionPublication Year : 2015Forests and other tree-based systems such as agroforestry contribute to food and nutritional security in myriad ways. Directly, trees provide…Authors: Jamnadass, R.H.; McMullin, S.; Iiyama, M.; Dawson, I.K.; Powell, B.; Termote, C.; Ickowitz, A.; Kehlenbeck, K.; Vinceti, B.; Van Vliet, N.; Keding, G.; Stadlmayr, B.; van Damme, P.; Carsan, S.; Sunderland, T.C.H.; Njenga, M.; Gyau, A.; Cerutti, P.O.; Schure, J.; Kouame, C.; Obiri, B.D.; Ofori, D.; Agarwal, B.; Neufeldt, H.; Degrande, A.; Serban, A.
Charcoal value chains in Kenya: a 20-year synthesisPublication Year : 2020Biomass fuels remain a very important energy source for millions of Kenyans, consistently meeting close to 70% of domestic energy…Authors: Ndegwa, G.; Sola, P.; Ilyama, M.; Okeyo, I.; Njenga, M.; Siko, I.; Muriuki, J.
Towards sustainable charcoal production and trade in Baringo CountyPublication Year : 2020Authors: Bourne, M.; Sola, P.; Njenga, M.; Koech, G.; Kirimi, M.; Ignatius, S.; Otieno, E.
Towards sustainable charcoal production and trade in Kitui CountyPublication Year : 2020Authors: Sola, P.; Bourne, M.; Njenga, M.; Kitema, A.; Ignatius, S.; Koech, G..
Governance of woodfuel value chains in Kenya: An analysis of policies, legislative frameworks and institutional mechanismPublication Year : 2020Authors: Sola, P.; Bourne, M.; Okeyo, I.; Njenga, M.