Webinar: If forests and peatlands disappeared, would humanity survive?

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Forests and peatlands are source of life for plants, animals and people. They provide food, clean water and other benefits to nearby communities, and are an essential resource for livelihoods. They are also home to many of the world’s threatened species, such as orangutans, rhinoceroses and leopards.

Nevertheless, although both are crucial in keeping life on Earth intact, they are being cleared at an alarming rate.

The “If forests and peatlands disappeared, would humanity survive?” webinar on 21 August 2019 is hosted by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and UN REDD Programme. It highlighted the importance of forests and peatlands conservation and restoration for climate change mitigation and sustainable development, including preventing forests fire and haze, and providing support for surrounding communities.

The webinar also highlighted Indonesia’s experience in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. Representative from Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia, shared their first-hand experiences on groundbreaking conservation and restoration initiatives, as home to the largest REDD+ project in the world in terms of emissions reductions per annum issued.


Johan Kieft
Lead Technical Adviser at UN Environment
for the UN-REDD Programme in Indonesia
Daniel Murdiyarso
Principal Scientist,
Adam Gerrand
Acting FAO Representative in Indonesia and Chief Technical Advisor for the UN-REDD Programme in Indonesia
Abdul Wahid Situmorang
Senior Advisor for Natural Resources Governance,
UNDP Indonesia
Djati Witjaksono Hadi
Head of Communication Bureau, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia


Emelyne Cheney
Regional Coordinator for Asia Pacific,
UN REDD Programme (UN Environment)

Fire: The Challenge to Sustainable Management of Tropical Peatlands by Johan Kieft (Lead Technical Adviser at UN Environment UN-REDD Programme in Indonesia)
Why peatlands matter in the battle against climate change? by Daniel Murdiyarso (CIFOR)
Monitoring peatlands for climate impacts and benefits using ground and satellite data by Adam Gerrand (Acting FAO Representative in Indonesia and Chief Technical Advisor for the UN-REDD Programme in Indonesia)
Indonesia’s Efforts in battling the Climate Change by Djati Witjaksono Hadi (Head of Communication Bureau, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia)

Contact person
Anggrita Cahyaningtyas, CIFOR Communication Officer (a.cahyaningtyas@cgiar.org)
Leona Liu, UN-REDD Asia-Pacific Regional Communications Specialist (leona.liu@un.org)

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