Landscape-scale variation in the structure and biomass of the hill dipterocarp forest of Sumatra: Implications for carbon stock assessments Authors: Laumonier, Y.; Kanninen, M.; Munandar, A.W. Publication Year : 2010 2010-02-07 09:10:00
Eco-floristic sectors and deforestation threats in Sumatra: identifying new conservation area network priorities for ecosystem-based land use planning Authors: Laumonier, Y.; Uryu, Y; Stuwe, M.; Budiman, A.; Setiabudi, B.; Hadian, O. Publication Year : 2010 2010-05-20 11:17:00
Soils on exposed Sunda Shelf shaped biogeographic patterns in the equatorial forests of Southeast Asia Authors: Slik, J.W.F.; Laumonier, Y.; Sheil, D.; et al. Publication Year : 2011 2011-12-31 14:59:00
An overview of forest and land allocation policies in Indonesia: is the current framework sufficient to meet the needs of REDD+? Authors: Brockhaus, M.; Obidzinski, K.; Dermawan, A.; Laumonier, Y.; Luttrell, C. Publication Year : 2012 2011-09-26 11:24:00
Suitability of local resource management practices based on supernatural enforcement mechanisms in the local social-cultural context Authors: Sasaoka, M.; Laumonier, Y. Publication Year : 2012 2012-11-06 00:00:00
Practical guide for socio-economic livelihood, land tenure and rights surveys for use in collaborative ecosystem-based land use planning Authors: Liswanti, N.; Shantiko, B.; Fripp, E.; Mwangi, E.; Laumonier, Y. Publication Year : 2012 2013-01-31 00:00:00
Panduan praktis untuk survei mata pencaharian sosial-ekonomi dan hak dan kepemilikan lahan untuk digunakan dalam perencanaan penggunaan lahan kolaboratif yang berbasis ekosistem Authors: Liswanti, N.; Shantiko, B.; Fripp, E.; Mwangi, E.; Laumonier, Y. Publication Year : 2012 2013-01-31 00:00:00
Large trees drive forest aboveground biomass variation in moist lowland forests across the tropics Authors: Silk, J.W.F; Paoli, G.; McGuire, K.; Amaral, I.; Barroso, J.; Bastian, M; Blanc, L.; Bongers, F.; Boundja, P.; Clark, C.; Collins, M.; Dauby, G.; Yi Ding; Doucet, J.L.; Eler, E.; Ferreira, L.; Forshed, O.; Fredriksson, G.M.; Gillet, J.F.; Harris, D.; Leal, M.E.; Laumonier, Y.; Malhi, Y.; Mansor, A.; Martin, E.; Miyamoto, K.; Araujo-Murakami, A.; Nagamasu, H.; Nilus, R.; Nurtjahya, E.; Oliveira, A.; Onrizal, O.; Parada-Gutierrez, A.; Permana, A.; Poorter, L.; Poulsen, J.; Ramirez-Angulo, H.; Reitsma, J.M.; Rovero, F.; Rozak, A.; Sheil, D.; Silva-Espejo, J.; Silveira, M.; Spironello, W.; Ter Steege, H.; Stevart, T.; Navarro-Aguilar, G. E.; Sunderland, T.C.H.; Suzuki, E.; Tang, J.; Theilade, I.; Van Der Heijden, G.; van Valkenburg, J.; Van Do, T.; Vilanova, E.; Vos, V.; Wich, S.; Woll, H.; Yoneda, T.; Zang, R.; Zhang, M.G.; Zweifel, N. Publication Year : 2013 2013-07-29 16:42:24
Generic allometric models including height best estimate forest biomass and carbon stocks in Indonesia Authors: Rutishauser, E.; Nooran, F.; Laumonier, Y.; Halperin, J.; Rufiie; Hergoualc'h, K.; Verchot, L.V. Publication Year : 2013 2013-08-30 13:23:31
Does production of oil palm, soybean, or jatropha change biodiversity and ecosystem functions in tropical forests Authors: Savilaakso, S.; Laumonier, Y.; Guariguata, M.R.; Nasi, R. Publication Year : 2013 2013-09-23 16:01:40