D. Andrew Wardell - Center for International Forestry Research>
D. Andrew Wardell
Principal Scientist
CIFOR Headquarters Jalan CIFORSitu GedeBogor16115Indonesia
Mailing address
P.O. Box 0113 BOCBDBogor Bogor 16000 Indonesia
Dr. Andrew Wardell has over 38 years of experience working on natural resource governance, capacity development and finance issues in over twenty South-East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa countries. He is a Principal Scientist with the Value Chains, Finance and Investment team based in Montpellier. He is involved in Flagship 3 of the Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) research programme, notably on P 2 (Plantations) and P 20 (Approaches to Sustainability). He is also Principal Investigator on a new IDRC-funded research project ‘Globalizations in a nutshell. Opportunities and risks for women shea producers and shea parklands in Burkina Faso’. Previously he was Research Director of CIFOR’s Forests and Governance Programme. Dr. Wardell has a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Agricultural Botany from the University of Reading, a Master of Science in Forestry and its relation to Land Use from the University of Oxford, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental History exploring the legacy of British colonial rule on contemporary forest policy and practice in Ghana from the University of Copenhagen. Dr. Wardell was formerly a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for World Environment History at the University of Sussex, and a Danish diplomat. He has published 3 books and edited collections, over 50 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and 70 technical publications. He is currently working on a CITES book project with Cambridge University Press.