Jolien Schure - Center for International Forestry Research>
Jolien Schure
CIFOR Associate
CIFOR Headquarters Jalan CIFORSitu GedeBogor16115Indonesia
Mailing address
P.O. Box 0113 BOCBDBogor Bogor 16000 Indonesia
Jolien Schure has an advanced master’s degree in development studies from the University of Nijmegen. Before joining CIFOR’s Cameroon office, Schure worked for a development agency, the Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa, and a conflict studies centre, Bonn International Center for Conversion. In both jobs she worked on questions related to natural resource management of mineral resources in Sub-Saharan African countries. Currently she combines her work for CIFOR with a PhD study at the Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group, University of Wageningen.
Research interest
Livelihood studies and smallholders\' use and commercialisation of forest products, the wood fuel sector in the Congo Basin.