Philippe Guizol - Center for International Forestry Research>
Philippe Guizol
Seconded Scientist
CIFOR Headquarters Jalan CIFORSitu GedeBogor16115Indonesia
Mailing address P.O. Box 0113 BOCBDBogor Bogor 16000 Indonesia
Tel +62-251-8622622
Fax +62-251-8622100
Philippe Guizol is a forester and social scientist working with CIRAD. From 2003 to 2008, Philippe has led CIRAD-CIFOR’s project Levelling the Playing Field in Bogor; since 2008 he has worked for a financial institution on forest and climate investments based in Jakarta. Philippe is a specialist of forest plantations, institutions for forestry development and participatory approaches. In 2015, Philippe returned to the CIFOR Forest and Governance Portfolio at Yaoundé-Hub.