Scientific Staff
Senior Scientist & Hub Leader
Tropical forest management planning, forest economics, forest certification and forestry policy
Senior Scientist and Interim Hub Leader - Nairobi
Forester and GIS Specialist
Team Leader - Climate Change, Energy & Low-Carbon
Forest-based climate change mitigation; conservation impact evaluation; smallholder and community forest management.
Forestry, land-use change, greenhouse gas fluxes, climate change mitigation
Team Leader,Sustainable Landscapes & Livelihoods
Development economics
Team Leader,Equal Opportunities,Gender Justice & Tenure
Decentralisation, devolution and forest tenure rights
Seconded Scientist
Ecosystem services and adaptation to climate change.
Bonn Hub Leader & Managing Director of CIFOR Germany
Research on ecosystems, climate and intersdisciplinary research on the coupled human-environmental systems. Research supervision. Project and science management. Teaching and capacity building.
Research Officer
Illegal logging, the domestic timber sector, implementing FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade), VPA (Voluntary Partnership Agreement)
CIFOR Associate
Sustainable Food Systems, Food Security, and Nutrition
CIFOR Senior Associate
Geography, agricultural economics, forest governance
CIFOR Associate
Forest landscape restoration; Effects of forestry policy and global trade on forest cover and quality and on forest-based livelihoods; Smallholder forest management; Natural regeneration and tree population ecology
CIFOR Associate
Livelihood studies and smallholders\' use and commercialisation of forest products, the wood fuel sector in the Congo Basin.