Tropical Peatlands Exchange 2018

8 Aug 2018, CIFOR Headquarters, Bogor, Indonesia.

Tune in live to see meaningful and research-based discussions surrounding peatlands, including national and sub-national exchanges, climate change and community engagement.

Click one of the session below to watch the video archive.

Opening and
Discussion Panel 1
Parallel Session 1A
Discussion Panel 2
Parallel Session 2A
and Summary

The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) with the support from the Government of Indonesia and participation of private sector is organizing a one-day event to provide platform for exchanges of information between stakeholders concerned on the sustainability of tropical peatlands in Indonesia. The outputs of the Exchange can be scaled up to explore the possibility of engaging broader partners and countries for a more effective south-south co-operation to tackle challenges around peatland conservation and restoration.
The program is designed to allow a smooth flow of information and open discussions around the following areas:
  • Regulatory framework around the Paris Agreement and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC); relating peatland restoration to the NDC processes
  • Progress and challenges at sub national and project levels; enabling environment to monitor, report and verify carbon project implementation on the ground
  • Advancement of science in assessing GHG emissions, peat hydrology, fire risks, and provision of ecosystem services
  • Engagement with private sector, local community with gender sensitivity in peatland restoration in the context of climate goals

For more information visit CIFOR's Peatlands site.
CIFOR has led global research on peatlands for more than 20 years. Explore CIFOR's extensive collection of publications, projects, toolboxes and more on the CIFOR Peatlands site.


Room: Global Forestry Hall (GFH)
  • Introduction
  • Welcoming and opening remarks
  • Robert Nasi, Director General, CIFOR
  • Nazir Foead, Head, Peat Restoration Agency (BRG)
  • Agus Justianto, Director General, FOERDIA
Daniel Murdiyarso, CIFOR
09.00-10.30Panel 1 - National ExchangeLIVESTREAM
Room: Global Forestry Hall (GFH)
  • Emma Rachmawaty, KLHK. The role of peatland in achieving national target of NDC
  • Dharsono Hartono, RMU. Finding a solution to integrate REDD+ projects’ performance into a system that supports the achievement of Indonesia’s NDC as required by the Paris Agreement
  • Sri Parwati Murwani Budisusanti, KLHK. Implementing policies and strategies for sustainable peatland management
  • Arief Darmawan, UniLa. Will One Map Policy accelerate peat land restoration?
Christopher Martius, CIFOR

Meli Saragi-Sasmito, CIFOR
10.30–11.00Coffee Break 
11.00-12.30Parallel Session 1a - Peatland and climate change LIVESTREAM
Room: Global Forestry Hall (GFH)
  1. Fahmuddin Agus, BBSDLP. Water table dynamics, subsidence and CO2 emission from peat decomposition
  2. Imam Basuki, Winrock Intl. Assessing emission factor from deforestation and forest degradation in tropical peatland: Experiences from West Kalimantan and Riau Provinces
  3. Taryono Darusman, RMU. The uncertainty of GHGs emission from rewetted tropical peatland and a way forward to improve the data quality and quantity
  4. Meli Saragi-Sasmito, CIFOR. Carbon dynamics in restored tropical peat swamp forests
  5. Solichin Manuri, Daemeter. Defining reference level for emissions and removals in peatlands
Kristell Hergoualc’h, CIFOR

Sigit D. Sasmito, CIFOR
 Parallel Session 1b - Peatland hydrology and subsidence
Room: Amazon
  • Sofyan Kurnianto, RAPP. Hydraulic properties on the different land cover types of tropical peatlands
  • M. Taufik, IPB. Role of hydrology on controlling wildfire in humid tropics
  • Adi Jaya, UnPar. Surface elevation changes of tropical peatland under different land covers and hydrological conditions
  • Albertus Sulaiman, BPPT. Development of real time water table monitoring system
  • Dipa Satriadi Rais, Wetlands Intl. Managing peat hydrology for restoration and conservation in the context of subsidence and fire avoidance
Gusti Anshari, UnTan

Bayu Hanggara, CIFOR
13.30-15.00Panel 2 - Sub-national exchangeLIVESTREAM
Room: Global Forestry Hall (GFH)
  1. Rezal Kusumaatmadja, RMU. From Projects to Jurisdiction: Thinking out of the box to implement Warsaw framework and Paris Agreement on the ground
  2. Arif Budiman, Winrock Intl. Enhancing capacity to reduce GHG emissions from peatlands and palm oil production within a jurisdictional framework
  3. Satrio Wicaksono, WRI. The making of Peat Ecosystem Restoration Plan (RREG) and Annual Action Plan (RTT): Lessons learned from South Sumatra
  4. Nyoman Iswarayoga, RER. Community involvement in protecting peatland ecosystem restoration in Kampar Peninsula
Alue Dohong, BRG

Iska Lestari, IPB
15.00-15.30Coffee break 
15.30-17.00Parallel Session 2a - Peatlands and Ecosystem ServicesLIVESTREAM
Room: Global Forestry Hall (GFH)
  1. Agus Utomo, Burung Indonesia. Delivering ecosystem service through peatlands conservation and restoration
  2. Suci Azwar, UnNas. Orangutan value for peat swamp: Facts, challenge and future
  3. Donny Gunaryadi, FFI. Saving Sumatran elephant: challenges and opportunity
  4. Andjar Rafiastanto, BIJAK. Life Support system for biodiversity and community
  5. Ahmad Muhammad, UnRi. Exploitation of peat  swamp forest remnants : a case study from Kepulauan Meranti district, Riau Province
Darmawan Liswanto, Yayasan Titian Lestari

Yohanes Ginting, IPB
 Parallel Session 2b - Community engagement for peatlands conservation and restoration
Room: Amazon
  1. Hesti Lestari Tata, FOERDIA. Community engagement in peatland restoration: Opportunities and challenges
  2. Herry Purnomo, CIFOR. Business models for sustainable community livelihoods in peatland
  3. Endri Martini, ICRAF. Sustainable livelihood options in peat areas across varying local contexts
  4. Moira Moeliono, CIFOR. Governance of peatland as part of a mosaic landscape: a case from Kapuas Hulu
  5. Rony Megawanto, Kehati. KEHATI's Experience in Peatlands Management
Suyanto, ICRAF 

Trilaksita Ardhani, IPB
17.00-17.30Summary and way forwardLIVESTREAM
Room: Global Forestry Hall (GFH)
Daniel Murdiyarso, CIFOR 

Taryono Darusman, RMU
For more information contact:
  • Budhy Kristanty Indonesia Communication Officer Media relations Email: Cell phone: +62 811 1904283 Work: +62 251 8622622 Ext.506 Skype: bkristanty
  • Meli F Saragi-Sasmito Email:
