1 - 12 December 2014, Lima, Peru


‘Honeymoon’ over, REDD+ struggles with politics and power

In theory, the plan seemed rather simple: a financial mechanism to reduce carbon emissions by incentivizing the protection of forests. In practice, REDD+ has struggled to achieve what it aims to do—reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. As climate negotiators head to Lima for the UNFCCC COP, where does REDD+ stand now, and after nearly eight years, why is it still in most countries in the early, “readiness” stage? Politics and power struggles explain part of the problem, a leading expert says, pointing to difficulties in designing—and implementing—policies that an ever-growing number of stakeholders can agree on. “The honeymoon phase is over,” said Maria Brockhaus, a senior scientist at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), in a recent interview. “You have actors that no longer happily agree on the broad idea, that strongly disagree on how to realize that idea.”

Stoves cook up relief for Ethiopia’s forests, climate

A simple device could spell relief for Ethiopia’s beleaguered forests by making cooking more efficient while reducing carbon emissions.

Food and forests: Bolivia’s balancing act

New research indicates the two goals are on a collision course.

Negotiating the landscape approach

The Global Landscapes Forum provides an appropriate platform for discussing the landscape approach.

Cameroon research adds to growing consensus on sustainable climate change strategies

"Local communities are the people who monitor whether carbon storage in the forest increases or decreases."

How do different land-use policies interact? New study seeks to find out

“It’s not that we need to conceive the perfect instrument, and then apply it everywhere,” stressed participating scientist Eric Lambin.

Unlikely partner could boost ‘best deal’ for protecting forests, slowing climate change

The Californian Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force has made ripples at the United Nations Climate Summit.

Unequal power dynamics in landscape approaches must not be ignored, expert warns

"Communities are not homogeneous; communities are unequal."

Don’t be afraid of landscapes complexity, expert says

“The fact that it is complex does not mean it has to be complicated,” explained Kwesi Atta-Krah.
