Getting down to business in Bonn
REDD+ pioneers or guinea pigs?
For a better Borneo, new map reveals how much terrain has changed
COP22 Special: The Medina, souks and the ‘COP of Action’
Re-examining Indonesia’s land and forest fires
View from the Pacific: ‘Climate change is real’
Leaders of Pacific island nations shared their concerns about climate change and forests at the 2016 Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit
REDD+ politics – or why it is so difficult to tackle large-scale drivers of deforestation
While countries are developing their own approaches to REDD+, the challenges they face remain largely the same.
The rush to ratification of the Paris Agreement
Climate change in the context of sustainable development
Loud and clear: Paris Agreement signals need to protect ecosystems and human rights
Valuing rights and ecosystems gives the Paris Agreement a holistic perspective, one that we need if we are to avoid “wrong” climate actions.
Earth Day Special Feature: The importance of integration
Why an integrated approach to the Sustainable Development Goals is necessary to ensure their success and protect the planet and its people.
Bridging gender theory and practice in environmental policy
Reflections on how far gender scholarship has evolved, and how to further broaden its application
Backwards from gender equality: Oil palm’s impact on Dayak women
Paris Agreement: Not perfect, but the best we could get
Forests and other carbon-absorbing ecosystems are at the heart of the (imperfect) Paris Agreement, this in-depth analysis explains.
“We” have a deal
The disappointing gender aspects of the Paris Agreement can be balanced by feeding evidence and experience into policy.
Forestry for a sustainable future: Making a difference beyond agreements
A wishlist for outcomes of the XIV World Forestry Congress in Durban.
How landscape approaches can help achieve the SDGs – in three (challenging) steps
Achieving the SDGs is not going to be easy and there’s no single way to do it, but landscapes could provide a useful framework.
A river runs through it: Why water needs a landscape approach too
Everyone needs water, so local groups must work together to make sure there’s enough to go around, panel says.
The landscape approach: How did we get here and where do we want to go? Just ask Darwin!
On the ongoing evolution of the landscape approach.