Global maps of twenty-first century forest carbon fluxesPublication Year : 2021Global maps of twenty-first century forest carbon fluxesPublication Year : 2021Authors: Harris, N.L.; Gibbs, D.A.; Baccini, A.; Birdsey, R.A.; de Bruin, S.; Farina, M.; Fatoyinbo, L.; Hansen, M.C.; Herold, M.; Houghton, R.A.; Potapov, P.V.; Suarez, D.R.; Roman-Cuesta, R.M.; Saatchi, S.S.; Slay, C.M.; Turubanova, S.A.; Tyukavina, A.
Effects of permeable barriers on total ecosystem carbon stocks of mangrove forests and abandoned ponds in Demak District, Central Java, IndonesiaPublication Year : 2020Authors: Ardhani, T.S.P.; Murdiyarso, D.; Kusmana, C.
Integrated assessment of deforestation drivers and their alignment with subnational climate change mitigation effortsPublication Year : 2020Efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and enhancing forest carbon stocks (REDD+) have evolved over the past…Authors: Bos, A.B.; de Sy, V.; Duchelle, A.E.; Atmadja, S.; de Bruin, S.; Wunder, S.; Herold, M.
Sustainable business models for inclusive growth: Towards a conceptual foundation of inclusive businessPublication Year : 2020The Post-2015 Development Agenda envisions a global economy with enlarged opportunities for low-income groups. Businesses are accordingly challenged to become…Authors: Schoneveld, G.C.
Building authority and legitimacy in transnational climate change governance: Evidence from the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task ForcePublication Year : 2020Transnational climate change initiatives have increased in number and relevance within the global climate change regime. Despite being largely welcomed,…Authors: Di Gregorio, M.; Massarella, K.; Schroeder, H.; Brockhaus, M.; Pham, T.T.
Forest tenure and the Sustainable Development Goals – A critical viewPublication Year : 2020Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) form an overarching framework to guide development at all scales from…Authors: Katila, P.; McDermott, C.; Larson, A.M.; Aggarwal, S.; Giessen, L.
The role of predictive model data in designing mangrove forest carbon programsPublication Year : 2020Authors: Bukoski, J.J.; Elwin, A.; Mackenzie, R.A.; Sharma, S.; Purbopuspito, J.; Kopania, B.; Apwong, M.; Poolsiri, R.; Potts, M.D.
Analysing the narrative and promises of ‘avoided deforestation’ implementation in Central AfricaPublication Year : 2020Projects aimed at reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) have expanded in Central Africa following carbon certification standards,…Authors: Tsayem Demaze, M.; Sufo-Kankeu, R.; Sonwa, D.J.
Widespread mangrove damage resulting from the 2017 Atlantic mega hurricane seasonPublication Year : 2020Authors: Taillie, P.J.; Roman-Cuesta, R.M.; Lagomasino, D.; Cifuentes-Jara, M.; Fatoyinbo, T.; Ott, L.E.; Poulter, B.
Estimating the value of mangrove leaf litter in sesarmid crab diets: the importance of fractionation factorsPublication Year : 2020Authors: Mackenzie, R.A.; Cormier, N.; Demopoulos, A.W.