Authors: Robledo, C.; Kanninen, M.; Pedroni, L.
Publication Year : 2005
Publication Year : 2005
Publication Year : 2005
Publication Year : 2005
Authors: Robledo, C.; Kanninen, M.; Pedroni, L.
Publication Year : 2005
This chapter explores the opportunities for linking mitigation activities with efforts to increase adaptive capacity. Because the issue involves two…
Authors: Murdiyarso, D.; Robledo, C.; Brown, S.; Coto, O.; Drexhage, J.; Forner, C.; Kanninen, M.; Lipper, L.; North, N.; Rondon, M.
Publication Year : 2005
Authors: CIFOR;
Publication Year : 2005
Authors: CIFOR;
Publication Year : 2005
Authors: CIFOR;
Publication Year : 2005
Carbon sequestration projects conducted as part of community development strategies can offer considerable environmental and social benefits. Such initiatives do…
Authors: Murdiyarso, D.; Herawati, H.; Iskandar, H.
Publication Year : 2005
Gender, like poverty, is a cross-cutting issue in climate change and needs to be recognized as such. There is a…
Authors: Shea, G.A.; Francisca, I.; Andaryati, A.
Publication Year : 2005
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was created under the Kyoto Protocol, in order to help industrialized countries achieve their Greenhouse…
Authors: Pirard, R.
Publication Year : 2005
Global deforestation and forest degradation rates have a significant impact on the accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere.…
Authors: Schlamadinger, B.; Ciccarese, L.; Dutschke, M.; Fearnside, P.M.; Brown, S.; Murdiyarso, D.
Publication Year : 2005
In many parts of the developing world carbon sequestration projects have been implemented in association with community development. This is…
Authors: Murdiyarso, D.