Center for International Forestry ResearchJanuary 23, 2020
Anti-Bribery, Anti-Corrupt Practices and Anti-Money Laundering Policy This policy sets out CIFOR’s policy relating to bribery, corrupt practices and money laundering. CIFOR recognizes the adverse effect that such practices could have on its activities and operations and is committed to preventing them and taking appropriate action when they are found to occur. Download file (125 KB)
CIFOR Policy on the Management of Intellectual Assets (IA) This Policy is intended to facilitate and assist in the implementation of best practices in CIFOR’s management of the IAs it generates, consistent with the CGIAR IA Principles.CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR, and therefore regards the results of its research and development activities as international public goods. CIFOR is committed to their widespread diffusion and use to achieve the maximum possible access, scale, scope of impact and sharing of benefits to benefit the poor, especially smallholders and those who depend upon forests in developing countries. Download file (390 KB)
Research Data Management Policy The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that research data generated by CIFOR and its research partners are stored, retained and made accessible for use and reuse, according to legal, statutory and ethical requirements, including those of funding bodies and formal research agreements. Download file (129 KB)
CIFOR Research Data Management Guidelines and Procedures These Guidelines and Procedures follow the principles outlined in the CIFOR Research Data Management Policy (1 July 2013), and explain the implementation of research data management (RDM) practices. This document provides guidelines and procedures on managing research data — from applying for a research grant to depositing the findings into an archive. Download file (660 KB)
CIFOR Policy on Open Access This policy is to support the free flow of information and contribute to the sharing and verification of research findings. It is intended to increase the visibility of CIFOR and its researchers and facilitate the dissemination and recognition of CIFOR research and outputs as widely as possible. Download file (190 KB)
Research Ethics Review (RER) Policy and Toolkit This policy sets out CIFOR’s policy on research ethics and the review process to ensure the ethical conduct of CIFOR field research by CIFOR staff and partners. Download file (400 KB)
Consulting Services Clearance and Signing The document provides guidelines on the process for the recruitment and selection of individuals who provide consulting service to CIFOR. A consultant may be an individual expert who possesses the required qualifications and achievements in a scientific or technical field, contracted to provide a particular type of knowledge or service for a specific period of time to CIFOR. Download file (265 KB)
CIFOR Anonymous Reporting Hotline CIFOR is committed to the highest possible standards of ethical, moral and legal business conduct. In conjunction with this commitment and CIFOR’s commitment to open communication, this policy aims to provide an avenue for employees to raise concerns and reassurance that they will be protected from reprisals or victimization for whistleblowing in good faith. However, if an employee feels that their anonymity is not required then they should follow our existing grievance procedure. View detail
CIFOR-ICRAF Anti-Fraud Policy CIFOR and ICRAF having a fraud prevention and detection policy is key in all the processes within and outside both organizations. The policy is established to facilitate the development of controls which will aid in the detection and prevention of fraud. Download file (270 KB)