Authors: Samsudin, Y.B.; Andini, S.; Baral, H.; Lee, S.M.; Rahman, S.A.
Biofuels: Growing renewables and restoring degraded land?
Publication Year : 2018
Biofuels: Growing renewables and restoring degraded land?
Publication Year : 2018
Publication Year : 2018
Publication Year : 2018
Authors: Samsudin, Y.B.; Andini, S.; Baral, H.; Lee, S.M.; Rahman, S.A.
Publication Year : 2018
Large areas of deforested and degraded land, particularly degraded peatlands, need a viable long-term solution for restoration, ideally one that…
Authors: Maimunah, S.; Rahman, S.A.; Samsudin, Y.B.; Artati, Y.; Simamora, T.I.; Andini, S.; Lee, S.M.; Baral, H.
Publication Year : 2018
Interpreting morphological variability in terms of species delimitation can be challenging. However, correcting species delineation can have strong implications for…
Authors: Monthe, F.K.; Duminil, J.; Yakusu, E.K.; Beeckman, H.; Bourland, N.; Doucet, J-L.; Sosef, M.S.M.; Hardy, O.J.
Publication Year : 2018
Pesan kunci Pengembangan biodiesel di Indonesia bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah ketahanan energi, mengurangi penggunaan energi fosil, serta untuk mendorong perekonomian.…
Authors: Dharmawan, A.H.; Nuva; Sudaryanti, D.A.; Prameswari, A.A.; Amalia, R.; Dermawan, A.; Bizarani, B.
Publication Year : 2018
Green growth strategies and bioeconomic technological innovation affect global demand and supply of agricultural and forestry-based commodities. What trade-mediated impacts…
Authors: Börner, J.; Bruckner, M.; Flach, R.; Soares-Filho, B.; Wunder, S.
Publication Year : 2018
We describe the development of new nuclear SNP markers for the genetic timber tracking of the geographical origin of Sapelli,…
Authors: Blanc-Jolivet, C.; Kersten, B.; Bourland, N.; Guichoux, E.; Delcamp, A.; Doucet, J-L.; Degen, B.
Publication Year : 2018
Bioenergy can produce at least 25% of the global energy demand to combat climate change through reducing emissions in the…
Authors: Borchard, N.; Bulusu, M.; Hartwig, A-M.; Ulrich, M.; Lee, S.M.; Baral, H.
Publication Year : 2018
Looking beyond a normative analysis of oil palm expansion, this paper offers a nuanced analysis of landscape transformations in the…
Authors: Brandão, F.; de Castro, F.; Futemma, C.
Publication Year : 2018
Key messages Stable, robust policies and governmental support at both national and local levels, are needed to promote successful bioenergy…
Authors: Samsudin, Y.B.; Maimunah, S.; Andini, S.; Sharma, R.; Artati, Y.; Baral, H.
Publication Year : 2018
Based on the current land-use policy, spatial planning and maps of oil palm expansion in Indonesia, this study identified three…
Authors: Sharma, S.K.; Baral, H.; Laumonier, Y.; Okarda, B.; Komarudin, H.; Purnomo, H.; Pacheco, P.