Understanding the importance of bushmeat consumption for household nutrition, both in rural and urban settings, is critical to developing politically…
Authors: Van Vliet, N.; Nebesse, C.; Nasi, R.
Publication Year : 2015
Publication Year : 2015
Understanding the importance of bushmeat consumption for household nutrition, both in rural and urban settings, is critical to developing politically…
Authors: Van Vliet, N.; Nebesse, C.; Nasi, R.
Publication Year : 2014
More than 10,000 years after the Agricultural Revolution started, millions of rural smallholders across the developing world may still derive…
Authors: Wunder, S.; Angelsen, A.; Belcher, B.
Publication Year : 2014
The research and development community should focus more effort on reintegrating food production and conservation in smallholder-managed landscapes. The interpretation…
Authors: Padoch, C.; Sunderland, T.C.H.
Publication Year : 2013
The relationship between forests and human nutrition is not yet well understood. A better understanding of this relationship is vital…
Authors: Ickowitz, A.; Powell, B; Salim, M.A.; Sunderland, T.C.H.
Publication Year : 2013
With the growing demands from a population expected to reach 9 billion people by 2050, it is unclear how our…
Authors: Vinceti, B.; Termote, C.; Ickowitz, A.; Powell, B.; Kehlenbeck, K.; Hunter, D.