Institut de Recherche en Ecologie Tropicale
IRET is the regional focal point organisation for Central
Created under the environmental Act No. 001867 of November 1985, IRET is a research institute under the authority
of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique, CENAREST.
It is
part of the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research and
Technological Innovation of the Government of Gabon.
The institute undertakes research in Gabon on:
- biodiversity conservation and studies related to the understanding of
the functioning of forest ecosystems;
- ecosystem stability; and
- topics related to global change and sustainable use of natural
IRET is located at CENAREST, but comprises a network of senior researchers,
postdoctoral associates and graduate students in African universities and
Research Station: Makokou/Ipassa
Located within the Ivindo National Park, the Ipassa Research Station is part
of IRET, under the authority of CENAREST. In 1983, Ipassa was recognised and
classified by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve. The Station is accessible from
Libreville in 1 hour by airplane (twice a week on Tuesdays and Saturdays up to
Makokou city), or about 12 hours by car or train (through the town of Booué). It is approximately 10
km from Makokou.
The missions of the Station are:
- to reinforce the scientific and technical capacities with regard to
forest management and conservation in Gabon and Central Africa; and
- to generate scientific knowledge on
sustainable forest management.
A policy of collaboration based on in situ
training programmes was developed; as a result more than 30 doctorate theses
and dozens of Master’s degree reports were submitted. Since 1962, over 200
researchers from various countries have realised numerous scientific studies at
the station. Several specialists also took part in many research activities by
conducting laboratory analyses on the collected biological material. A
specialised scientific review, ‘Biologia gabonica’, was launched and published
until 1972.
With more than 800 publications, the surrounding area of the Station is one of the most studied forest lands in Africa. Scientific results
already published represent an important sum of knowledge compiled in various
fields (floristic and faunistic inventories, climatology and pedology, plant and
animal biology, forest dynamics, fauna-flora interaction, agroforestry, etc).
The station can accommodate 25 people. Living facilities available on site
include a canteen, a kitchen, a laundry and drinking water. Scientists can also
make use of a library (with more than 700 books and publications), a herbarium
(with more than 1000 specimens), an experimental zoo, 10 laboratory rooms and
various experimental plots laid out in the forest areas within Ivindo National
Park (Ipassa, Kongou, and Djidji stations). Technical facilities comprise an
internet connection, computers, phone access, a garage with 2 4x4 vehicles for
field activities, four speedboat engines for touring or scientific studies on
the Ivindo River and its tributaries, and various items of field equipment
(canvas covers, tents, rucksacks, generating sets, chainsaws, etc).
In 2002, a 4-year project funded by the European Union allowed the
rehabilitation and the restarting of research activities at the research station
(PSVAP, Component II, Makokou). The objectives of this project were achieved in
collaboration with CIFOR, IRET's
technical partner. The Station is fully functional.
- Dr Alfred Ngomanda
IRET Representative in the Steering Committee