

Associate Professor, Bogor Agricultural University

Hendrayanto was born in November 1961 in Ciamis, West Java Province. After graduating from forestry bachelor program of Faculty of Forestry Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) in 1985, he continuing his education in ITC-Enschede, The Netrherlands and get Graduate Diploma in Watershed Management (1990).  He conferred Master and Doctor degrees in 1996 and 1999 respectively from Kyoto University-Japan in the field of Forest Hydrology.  He served as the Dean of Faculty of Forestry IPB in the period of 2007-2011, and in 2009-2011 he also served as Head of Indonesian Forestry Colleges Forum. He actively participated in forestry education discussion. Now, he is a member of academic senate of IPB, and an Associate Professor of Forest and Watershed Hydrology in Faculty of Forestry, IPB.