Global digital summit on future of food
Will coffee one day become a perk?
Activism in focus on Women's Day
Komodo tourism: More than just dragons
An increasing number of visitors are making the trek to Indonesia’s Komodo National Park to see the world’s largest lizard in its natural habitat. Unfortunately, for both the Komodo dragons and the park that is named after them, their growing popularity may be putting them in some jeopardy. Find out more about the potential risks they face and some possible solutions.
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Women across the world are changing its future. For International Women’s Day 2020, the Global Landscapes Forum chose 16 who have devoted their lives to restoring the Earth’s landscapes, through disrupting the realms of finance, entrepreneurship, activism, Indigenous rights, science, popular culture and global leadership.

Meet them here

Coronavirus: vital supplies flying off store shelves, planes grounded and conferences canceled. When the climate crisis has the same effect on our food supply, we need to be prepared.

On 3–5 June, the Global Landscapes Forum will move the conversation online with a groundbreaking digital summit on the future of food.

Experience the future, join the summit from wherever you are and help forge the way for sustainable food systems and landscapes.

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Women farmers, the unsung heroes (Houria Djoudi, CIFOR Senior Scientist and Ana Maria Paez-Valencia, ICRAF Scientist)
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Tropical forests unplugged: Tree mortality reduces capacity of carbon sinks
Tropical forests are losing their ability to remove carbon from the atmosphere, which could have dramatic implications for their potential to mitigate the impact of global warming. Until now, they have been considered carbon sinks, playing a key role in arresting planet-warming emissions. Policy changes must occur to meet the targets of the 2015 U.N. Paris Agreement on climate change, says one expert.
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Climate change could grind coffee production to a halt
Projections vary on how coffee will adapt to global warming, but areas with a suitable climate for cultivation will shrink, putting the livelihoods of about 125 million smallholders and others involved in coffee production at risk.
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Planting trees or growing them, do the words matter for restoring land?
Every year, millions of dollars are spent on attempting to restore landscapes to health by planting trees. Success is very scanty. Researchers explain why and how rethinking the words will help achieve success.
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Miss Environment and ‘green champions’ amplify nature-based solutions in Kenya
Competitions recognize students who are most eloquent on environmental issues in their poetry, essays, drawings or school plays with the title of Green Champion.
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GLF Bonn Digital Summit 2020: Food in the time of climate crisis
3 - 5 June, GLF Broadcast Center, Bonn and Online
GLF Kunming 2020: Securing Biodiverse Landscapes and Ecosystems
October, On the sidelines of the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 15), Kunming, China
GLF Glasgow 2020-2030: The Turning Point
14 - 15 November, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
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Lao PDR’s Nationally Determined Contribution: Progress, opportunities, and challenges in the forestry sector
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Insights from Participatory Prospective Analysis workshops in Nepal
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Mangrove blue carbon stocks and dynamics are controlled by hydrogeomorphic settings and land-use change
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Forestry Decentralization in the Context of Global Carbon Priorities: New Challenges for Subnational Governments
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CIFOR Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
CIFOR is a CGIAR Research Center



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