Simplified Baseline and Monitoring Methodologies for Selected A/R Small-scale CDM Project Activity Categories
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The document contains simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale A/R CDM project activity categories. Specifically it covers:
A simplified baseline methodology and default factors for small-scale afforestation or reforestation project activities conducted over grasslands and croplands1
a simplified monitoring methodology based on appropriate statistical methods to estimate, measure and monitor the actual net greenhouse gas removals by sinks and leakage.
The methodologies outlined in the document have been designed to provide a simple, transparent, accurate and low-cost decision-making framework for small-scale A/R CDM project participants. As such, they encompass the most likely cases of prior land-use on lands to be used for small-scale A/R activities. Cases that are very specific have not been addressed by the present methodologies given that some could add complications, and that simplifications may not be possible. In accordance with decision 14/CP.10, Project participants can propose simplified methodologies for those cases not covered in the present document. Such methodologies will be subject to the consideration of the Executive Board.
UNFCCC CDM approved baseline and monitoring methodologies
UNFCCC CDM approved baseline and monitoring methodologies. It has information related to baseline and monitoring methodologies for the different types of CDM project activities. more
Methodologies for CDM project activities
This is about baseline and monitoring methodologies for CDM project activities which are: approved by the CDM Executive Board and under consideration of the CDM Executive Board
Methodologies for afforestation and reforestation CDM project activities
The information is about A/R baseline and monitoring methodologies for afforestation and reforestation CDM project activities which are: approved by the CDM Executive Board and under consideration of the CDM Executive Board
Methodologies for small scale CDM project activities
It has information on simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for small scale CDM project activities
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