UN Biodiversity Conference

4-17 December, Cancun, Mexico

Forests News

Experts: Landscape restoration a delicate balance of people, policy, purpose

Three scientists discuss the promise and complications of the landscape approach.

Calculating economic value of forests often overlooks biodiversity, study finds

How should we value pristine forests far from large human populations?

For forests, food and the future, it’s all about biodiversity

The world must consider forests in efforts to meet Sustainable Development Goals.

Prunus africana: A sustainable management reality check

Somehow, the scientific recommendations aren't making a difference on the ground.

Carbon or biodiversity conservation – you can’t have the best of both worlds

Forests remain stubbornly complex, forcing some tough decisions ahead.

It takes a village to re-raise a forest

To stem the effects of climate change on the country and its people, Ethiopia is looking towards forestry as a key solution

Q & A: Lessons from Ethiopia for forest landscape restoration

An interview with CIFOR Scientist Habtemariam Kassa

Q&A: Lessons from Latin America for forest landscape restoration

An interview with Manuel Guariguata, CIFOR Principal Scientist and Team Leader – Forest Management and Restoration

Regreening Ethiopia

What can Ethiopia learn from China about restoring forest landscapes?

Q&A: Lessons from China for forest landscape restoration

An interview with Louis Putzel, CIFOR Senior Scientist

In the forest, women’s voices not heard: report

Gender equality requires more than inviting women to meetings.
